Pokemon Gold Version (Part VIII)

Let's do some more stuff.

Professor Yapp says there is something going on at the radio tower, but I don't want to deal with that right now. The first thing I'm going to do, personally, is travel to our final new city. There's something very important I want over there. To get there, go east from Mahogany Town.

Route 44
Bellsprout || Grass / Poison
Weepinbell || Grass / Poison
Lickitung || Normal
Tangela || Grass

Spr GS Psychic.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Psychic Phil || ¥832
Natu Lv.24 || Psychic / Flying || 375 exp
Kadabra Lv.26 || Psychic || 807 exp

Above this trainer is a Burnt Berry (cures freezing) tree. The path splits here, so I'm going to go over the top part of the route first.

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Zach || ¥1620
Rhyhorn Lv.27 || Ground / Rock || 780 exp

Get this Ultra Ball and then continue challenging or avoiding trainers as you wish.

Spr GS Fisher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Fisher Wilton || ¥1000
Goldeen Lv.23 || Water || 546 exp
Goldeen Lv.23 || Water || 546 exp
Seaking Lv.25 || Water || 910 exp
*Register Wilton's phone number to be notified of Remoraid swarms.

Now for the bottom path - going from right to left.

Spr GS Cooltrainer M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Cooltrainer♂ Allen || ¥1296
Charmeleon Lv.27 || Fire || 820 exp

Spr GS Cooltrainer F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Cooltrainer♀ Cybil || ¥1200
Butterfree Lv.25 || Bug / Flying || 856 exp
Bellossom Lv.25 || Grass || 985 exp

Spr GS Fisher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Fisher Edgar || ¥1000
Remoraid Lv.25 || Water || 417 exp
Remoraid Lv.25 || Water || 417 exp

Surf out to a small island in between the two split paths and get the Max Revive sitting here.Then head back to land and go right for the last trainer here.

Spr GS Bird Keeper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Bird Keeper Vance || ¥600
Pidgeotto Lv.25 || Normal / Flying || 604 exp
Pidgeotto Lv.25 || Normal / Flying || 604 exp

With that done, we're free to enter the cave at the end of the route. Note: You will need Strength to make it through here.

Ice Path
Zubat || Poison / Flying
Golbat || Poison / Flying
Jynx || Ice / Psychic
Sneasel || Dark / Ice (Night)
Swinub || Ice / Ground
Delibird || Ice / Flying (Silver version only)

The path is linear at first, but then you get to a little puzzle area. After to step onto the ice and slide up;
Go left
Go up
Go right
Go up
Go right
Go down
Go left
Go up
Go left
Go down
Go right
Go down
Go right
Go up
Go right

FINALLY I have my final party member! Now that we're almost at the last gym. But regardless, it's worth it... I think.

Go to the right you have another, smaller puzzle;
Stop onto the ice from the higher of the two tiles (you'll slide right)
Go up
Go left
Go down
Go left
Go up
Go right

And get HM07 Waterfall, then go back and go up the steps between the two icy patches and follow the upper ledge to the ladder, and take it down. 

Now we have a Strength/boulder puzzle.
Red Boulder: Push right x1, down x4, left x2, down x2, left x1, up x1, left x1, up x2 into the hole
Green Boulder: Up x2, left x1, up x3, right x1 into hole
Yellow Boulder: Left x1, up x5 (circle around the way we went for the Green boulder), left x 2, down x4 into hole
Last Boulder: Left x1, down x4, right x1, down x2, left x5 into hole

Then go to the northeast corner of the room and down the ladder.

First slide over to the left side of the room and get the Max Potion here.

Then go to the bottom-left corner and get the hidden item here.

Go back to the northeast corner and stand in the bottom left corner of the clear patch. Go left, down, left, up, and right.

Get the Full Heal here and go down the ladder.

If you have a Pokemon with Rock Smash, use it on the next floor to get to the Nevermelt Ice here. If you don't have Rock Smash you can still get it, you'll just have to spend a few extra seconds to go around the line of rocks. Oh, horror. This is a hold item that powers up ice-type moves, by the way.  Go up the ladder on the right side of the room.

On the next floor, go right along the top of the room and then slide across the small patch of ice below you. Once you stop, position yourself so that you're in line with the upper set of steps and then jump down over the ledge and across some more ice. Then go right.

Get TM44 Rest here, then slide left and up. Go around the top again and down over the ledge in the exact same spot. This time slide back up to the ledge and go left.

Get this hidden item and then slide down and go up the ladder.

On the next floor, go down the steps so that you slide down. Go right, up, and left.

Get this hidden item then go down, left, down, and left again to enter a narrow passage between a bunch of rocks. Get the Iron at the end, then on your way back go right, up, right, up, left, up, left, down, left. Follow the path here to the ladder and go up.

Back on the first floor, go all the way left and slide down to reach the PP Up here. Then go back up and jump over the ledge anywhere to get down to the large bare patch and follow it south to the exit.

We are now in Blackthorn City! The only thing of real interest here for now besides some new items in the shop (ie Ultra Balls, Max Repel) is the Move Deleter just west of the Pokemart. I don't have any use for this personally, it's main service is deleting new moves so you can trade your Pokemon with Red/Blue/Yellow versions. But I'm not doing any trading on this playthrough. So instead, let's explore the last route in main Johto.

Route 48
Geodude || Rock / Ground
Graveler || Rock / Ground
Gligar || Flying / Ground (Gold version only)
Teddiursa || Normal (Gold version only)
Skarmory || Steel / Flying (Silver version only)
Phanpy || Ground (Silver version only)

Well, that didn't take very long. Thank-you, cave full of level 25 Golbat! Also Icy Wind. Aaaalso Nevermelt Ice. And Bitter Berries and Super Potions. Yeah. All that stuff.

Go down the left stretch of the route to get the Elixer here. Jump off the ledge and you will go down to encounter a trainer.

Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Parry || ¥928
Onix Lv.29 || Rock / Ground || 670 exp
*Register his number to be notified of Marill swarms.

Spr GS Cooltrainer F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Cooltrainer♀ Kelly || ¥1152
Marill Lv.27 || Water || 334 exp
Wartortle Lv.24 || Water || 735 exp
Wartortle Lv.24 || Water || 735 exp

Continue straight down to get an X Special.

Continuing down further along the left side, pick up this Revive. Don't worry about that hiker, we'll be back for him. For now Fly back to Blackthorn City. This time go over to the right into the wider area, but go down on the left side of this section. This will take us down the "middle" path.

Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Erik || ¥864
Machop Lv.24 || Fighting || 451 exp
Graveler Lv.27 || Rock / Ground || 774 exp
Machop Lv.27 || Fighting || 508 exp

The the middle and right paths will converge here and continue downward.

Get the Max Potion here and jump down to where we fought Cooltrainer Kelly, obviously go down the right side since we've already been down the left.

Spr GS Blackbelt.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Blackbelt Kenji || ¥672
Machoke Lv.28 || Fighting || 876 exp

Jump down from here and take the left path.

Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Timothy || ¥864
Diglett Lv.27 || Ground || 468 exp
Dugtrio Lv.27 || Ground || 885 exp

Fly back up to Blackthorn now and let's make our way down the right side.

Spr GS Cooltrainer M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Cooltrainer♂ Ryan || ¥1296
Pidgeot Lv.25 || Normal / Flying || 921 exp
Electabuzz Lv.27 || Electric || 901 exp

Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Michael || ¥800
Geodude Lv.25 || Rock / Ground || 460 exp
Graveler Lv.25 || Rock / Ground || 717 exp
Golem Lv.25 || Rock / Ground || 948 

As long as you stick to the right side of the trail you should come to this small enclosed area, where you can surf out to get this hidden item. You can also get a Mystery Berry from the tree here. Fly back to Blackthorn one more time and take the left path again, but this time enter the cave just above the patch of grass.

Dark Cave (East Entrance)
Zubat || Poison / Flying
Golbat || Poison / Flying
Geodude || Rock / Ground
Graveler || Rock / Ground
Wobbuffet || Psychic

As you probably figured, you'll need Flash here again. Use it and then go down and surf around to the piece of land right below the entrance and go up the steps. Head west from here. Follow the path around and up to a blue-haired man who will give you the Black Glasses. As the man tells you, they are a hold item that power up Dark moves. Go back to the water now and Surf straight south.

You should be able to see this Revive from where you land, so grab it and then make your way west.

Get the TM13 Snore here, then jump over the ledge. Take the door to the south, then surf west and make your way to the cave exit. From our convenient position here, bike over to Mr. Pokemon's house (the one you got the egg from way back when).

Talk to him and give him the useless Red Scale we got from the red Gyarados, and he'll give you the Exp Share. A Pokemon holding this item will gain experience in battle even without fighting at all. I will be making use of this waaaaay way later.

For now, that's the end of the section! Finally! This might actually be my longest one yet, and at first I thought I wouldn't have enough stuff to fill it with. Whoops.

My Team So Far
Tilly, Lv.34
West, Lv.34
Riese, Lv.34
Harriet, Lv.35
Suzanne, Lv.35
Phillip, Lv.15

Seen: 162
Own: 88

Items Obtained
Burnt Berry
Ultra Ball
Max Revive
HM07 Waterfall
Max Potion
Full Heal
Nevermelt Ice
TM44 Rest
Ice Heal
Max Potion
X Special
Max Potion
Mystery Berry
Black Glasses
TM13 Snore
Exp. Share

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