Pokemon Gold Version (Part VII)

For this section, we'll be traveling east of Ecruteak City. You will need Surf, Flash, Strength and Cut for everything I will be covering.

First of all get this Ultra Ball sitting outside. Then head inside the cave and light it up with flash.

Mt. Mortar
Rattata || Normal
Raticate || Normal
Zubat || Poison / Flying
Machop || Fighting
Geodude || Rock / Ground

From where you enter go north and then east to enter an interior chamber. Go up once again in here and then left and up a ladder.

Up here, get an Ether from the item ball and then go back down the ladder. Go back down to the door but don't go through - instead head to the right a bit until you find a boulder. Push it right out of the way and then head north.

The path will soon split - go left. When the path splits again go north, going west will just loop around to the same spot as going north. Keep going straight north, ignoring the next two paths off to the side. When you can't go up anymore, go east. Jump over the ledge and go down.

Pick up the Escape Rope here and then jump down into the main part of the cave again. Backtrack to the top of the path where we went right just a minute ago (left and up) and take the path leading to the left just below it. Jump over another ledge here.

Get the Hyper Potion sitting here and then jump over the ledge. Go back all the way south, past where you pushed the boulder, then go right and up another ladder.

Pick up the Guard Spec. here then go back down the ladder and continue south through two doorways right out of the cave (on the opposite side than the one you entered from). 

Route 42
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Mankey || Fighting
Mareep || Electric
Flaaffy || Electric

We'll be back to deal with the trainers here in a minute, for now surf back west to an island in between the two chunks of land we've been on to enter and exit the cave.

Pick up the Super Potion on the corner here, then cut down the tree to the south and get the Pink, Green, and Yellow Apricorns from the trees in the small clearing here.

Surf over to the west a bit and get the hidden item in this rock here. Then go back and enter Mt. Mortar again from this center entrance.

Go straight up and take the ladder (surf around if you want to find a wild Goldeen or Seaking to catch, but there's another path here we can't explore yet). Don't forget to use Flash again, too. In this lower area, go right and start surfing. Once you're in the water go straight up and you should reach a small enclosed section of a large piece of land.

Get another Hyper Potion here, then get back in the water. Circle around south and east, then go north. Avoid the chunk of land on the other side of the rocks to the one we were just on, because it's bare. So is the one to the far north, so follow the path west.

You'll see another strip of land leading off to the left - we can't go beyond it from this side, so go south until you hit the wall. Get back on land over to the left. Follow the path and then surf up.

Get the Full Heal sitting here, then use an Escape Rope or backtrack all the way outside. Surf back east, it's tame to take care of those trainers.

Spr GS Fisher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Fisher Chris || ¥720
Qwilfish Lv.18 || Water / Poison || 385 exp

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Shane || ¥960 exp
Nidorina Lv.16 || Poison || 400 exp
Nidorino Lv.16 || Poison || 403 exp

Spr GS Hiker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Hiker Benjamin || ¥512
Diglett Lv.14 || Ground || 243 exp
Geodude Lv.14 || Rock / Ground || 258 exp
Dugtrio Lv.16 || Ground || 523 exp

Go just a few steps east and you will be in Mahogany Town. The suspicious shop in town only sells four items; two of which are useless except to sell back to shops at lower prices, the other two are just basic Potions and Pokeballs.

Also, look what I caught in Mt. Mortar. The little sparkles you see in the top right corner indicate that this is a "shiny" Pokemon. These aren't any more powerful than regular versions, they're just for show. If I remember correctly, you have about a 1/642 chance of encountering one.

There are men blocking both the gym and the way out of town (the latter will sell you a Rage Candybar for ¥300 which has the same effect as a Potion), so our only place to go for now is north.

Route 43
Pidgeotto || Normal / Flying
Mareep || Electric
Flaaffy || Electric
Girafarig || Normal / Psychic

Spr GS Camper.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Camper Spencer || ¥380
Sandshrew Lv.17 || Ground || 337 exp
Sandslash Lv.17 || Ground || 592 exp
Zubat Lv.19 || Poison / Flying || 219 exp

Avoid the guard house to the right, as soon as you enter two men will steal ¥1000 from you.

Spr GS Picnicker.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Picnicker Tiffany || ¥400
Clefairy Lv.20 || Normal || 291 exp

Surf west and cut down the tree to access a Bitter Berry tree. Then surf north.

Spr GS Fisher.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Fisher Marvin || ¥600
Magikarp Lv.10 || Water || 42 exp
Gyarados Lv.10 || Water / Flying || 457 exp
Magikarp Lv.15 || Water || 63 exp
Gyarados Lv.15 || Water / Flying || 687 exp

Go left from the fisherman and up. After you pass by some ledges with gaps in them you will be able to get this hidden item. Keep going north, and cut through the first small tree you come to.

When the path splits, go left and cut the next tree down. Follow the short path to another hidden item. then go back to the split and cut down the tree on the right.

Cut down the very next tree you see and take the path left to a Max Ether. Go back and follow the right side north to another tree. Follow the path to the left to reach a house, where a man will give you TM10 Hidden Power.

When you exit the house go back to the tree and cut it down again, then follow the path right this time. Pick up TM43 Detect then either walk back to where the Picknicker was or Fly back to Mahogany Town and walk back up. Then go north along the grassy path to find the next trainer.

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Brent || ¥1140
Lickitung Lv.19 || Normal || 516 exp

From this trainer go south a bit and get this Max Ether, which you probably saw on your way by before. Then follow either of the paths all the way north and go west.

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Ron || ¥1140
Nidoking Lv.19 || Poison / Ground || 793 exp

Spr GS PokéManiac.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Pokemaniac Ben || ¥1140
Slowbro Lv.19 || Water / Psychic || 667 exp

After this go north and you will be at the Lake of Rage. Talk to the people around and in the house if you want, then go north along the right side all the way to the top.

Get another hidden item here, then Surf our to the middle of the lake where you will find the Red Gyarados. "Talk" to it to start a battle.

Spr 2g 130 s.png
Red Gyarados  Lv.30 || Water / Flying || 917 exp

There's not really any important reason to catch this Gyarados, but why not right? If nothing else, it's rather neat. Either way after you've captured or defeated it you will get the Red Scale. When you come out of the water, talk to the man in a cape standing down by the sign. He introduces himself as Lance (a familiar name if you've played the first series) and then tells you he'll be waiting in Mahogany Town and teleports away.

If you have an electric or rock-type Pokemon you feel like training about, you can stick around and hunt for Gyarados in the lake (surfing) but there's only about 1/10 chance of finding one. The lowest level one you can find gives out 458 experience, though.

That seems a bit excessive, Lance. Oh well. Heal if you haven't already and then head down the revealed staircase.

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥760
Drowzee Lv.17 || Psychic || 370 exp
Zubat Lv.19 || Poison / Flying || 219 exp

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥720
Zubat Lv.16 || Poison / Flying || 184 exp
Grimer Lv.17 || Poison || 327 exp
Rattata Lv.18 || Normal || 219 exp

After the battle go west and down through the gap in the walls when you come across it. Then go east and through another gap. Go south and to the right and battle the scientist you find there.

Spr GS Scientist.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Scientist Jed || ¥2000
Magnemite Lv.20 || Electric / Steel || 381 exp
Magnemite Lv.20 || Electric / Steel || 381 exp
Magnemite Lv.20 || Electric / Steel || 381 exp

When the battle is done, get the X Accuracy laying on the ground. Inspect the computer to deactivate the tripwire that would have sent those same two Rocket Grunts after you every single time you walked by one of the Persian statues. With that trap out of the way, walk back up a level.

As you pass up into the next level, go east past the now-harmless statue and get the Hyper Potion waiting for you. Go back up to the top and left.

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥640
Rattata Lv.16 || Normal || 195 exp
Rattata Lv.16 || Normal || 195 exp
Rattata Lv.16 || Normal || 195 exp
Rattata Lv.16 || Normal || 195 exp

As you go south across the zebra-stripe tiles you will be attacked by a combination of Geodude, Koffin and Voltorb, all at level 21. Even if they blow up on you, they shouldn't put you in too much danger if your team was strong enough to beat Jasmine. The Koffing and Voltorb give out decent experience too (note: once you get to the end they won't ever come back).

When you get to the bottom, go right to collect a Nugget then go back. Ignore the warp tile here and go down the stairs.

Talk to Lance here and he'll heal your Pokemon. Then keep going right.

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥720
Venonat Lv.18 || Bug / Poison || 288 exp
Venonat Lv.18 || Bug / Poison || 288 exp

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥720
Golbat Lv.18 || Poison / Flying || 658 exp

Take the stairs down again.

After Lance yaps at you a bit, go right and up to get the Protein. Then go back down and up into the middle room

Spr GS Scientist.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Scientist Ross || ¥2200
Koffing Lv.22 || Poison || 537 exp
Koffing Lv.22 || Poison || 537 exp

Spr GS Rocket Grunt F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥720
Ekans Lv.18 || Poison || 238 exp
Gloom Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 508 exp

Talk to the woman after you beat her to get the first password, then go down out of the room and left.

Spr GS Scientist.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Scientist Mitch || ¥2400
Ditto Lv.24 || Normal || 313 exp
*Note: I am assuming the exp Ditto gives out is determined by what it's transformed into when you defeat it, but I'm not sure.

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥760
Raticate Lv.19 || Normal || 471 exp

Talk to this guy after you beat him to get the second password.

Get the Dire Hit here and the Full Heal on the other side, then exit this room and go up.

Get the Ice Heal (random much?) here and then go right and up the stairs.

On this next floor do down and get a hidden item. Go up and left.

Spr GS Rocket Grunt M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Grunt || ¥680
Rattata Lv.17 || Normal || 207 exp
Zubat Lv.17 || Poison / Flying || 196 exp
Rattata Lv.17 || Normal || 207 exp

Go down the stairs and then up the ones right below them and pick up TM46 Thief. Then go down the stairs and go towards the boss's door, and someone unexpected will show up, just to shove you and walk away. Clearly he hasn't been working on his people skills all this time. Anyway, open the door an you'll automatically move over to start the next battle.

Spr GS Rocket Executive M.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Executive || ¥1584
Zubat Lv.22 || Poison / Flying || 253 exp
Raticate Lv.24 || Normal || 595 exp
Koffing Lv.22 || Poison || 537 exp

Talk to the bird once the guy leaves to get the password. Then go all the way back to the first area (not the store area though) and open the door here. You'll have another battle, of course.

Spr GS Rocket Executive F.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Rocket Executive || ¥1800
Arbok Lv.23 || Poison || 724 exp
Murkrow Lv.25 || Dark / Flying || 573 exp
Gloom Lv.23 || Grass / Poison || 649 exp

After this you'll have to battle against three Lv.23 Electrode. If you can manage to get any of them to not blow up on you, you can catch one. When you're done you will get HM06 Whirlpool. Take it and exit the hideout - the gym is now open to us, so let's head over there.

Mahogany Town Gym Challenge

The theme of this gym is ice types, which are weak agains Fire, Fighting, Steel and Rock types. However most of the Pokemon in the gym are actually Water types so an Electric-type will be more effective for the most part (though note the gym leader has Pokemon who are immune to electric attacks). Grass types are good against water, but they will likely get wiped out by the opponents' Aurora Beam or similar super-effective Ice attacks.

I'll be covering the trainers from the left-most one across. 

Spr GS Boarder.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Boarder Ronald || ¥1728
Seel Lv.24 || Water || 513 exp
Dewgong Lv.25 || Water / Ice || 942 exp
Seel Lv.24 || Water || 513 exp

Spr GS Boarder.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Boarder Douglas || ¥1728
Shellder Lv.24 || Water || 498 exp
Cloyster Lv.25 || Water / Ice || 1087 exp
Shellder Lv.24 || Water || 498 exp 

Spr GS Skier.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Skier Roxanne || ¥2016
Jynx Lv.28 || Ice / Psychic || 822 exp

Spr GS Boarder.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Boarder Brad || ¥1872
Swinub Lv.26 || Ice / Ground || 433 exp
Swinub Lv.26 || Ice / Ground || 433 exp

Spr GS Skier.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Skier Clarissa || ¥2016
Dewgong Lv.28 || Water / Ice || 1056 exp

To get to Pryce;
Slide up the row of ice third from the left (right beside the statue with a Pokeball on it).
When you stop, go up again. [Boarder Douglas]
Go right.
Go down.
Go left.
Go up.
Go right.

Spr GS Pryce.png
Poké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.pngPoké Ball Love Ball battle II.png
Leader Pryce || ¥3100
Seel Lv.27 || Water || 577 exp
Dewgong Lv.29 || Water / Ice || 103 exp
Poliswine Lv.31 || Ice / Ground || 1062 exp

Glacier Badge.png
This badge enables you to use Whirlpool outside of battle, and also raises the special attack and defense of your team members. He also gives you TM16 Icy Wind. And that's another section done!

My Team So Far
Tilly, Lv.34
West, Lv.32
Riese, Lv.33
Harriet, Lv.35
Phillip, Lv.15

Seen: 151
Own: 79

Items Obtained
Ultra Ball
Escape Rope
Hyper Potion
Guard Spec.
Super Potion
Pink Apricorn
Green Apricorn
Yellow Apricorn
Max Potion
Hyper Potion
Full Heal
Rage Candybar
Bitter Berry
Full Restore
Rare Candy
Max Ether
TM10 Hidden Power
TM43 Detect
Max Ether
Max Potion
Red Scale
X Accuracy
Hyper Potion
Dire Hit
Full Heal
Ice Heal
Full Heal
TM46 Thied
HM06 Whirlpool
TM16 Icy Wind

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