Megaman Zero: Finale Pt.3 (Neo Arcadia Core)

Neo Arcadia Core

No cyber elves to collect in this section, so feel free to just blow through the place wrecking everything in your path! You will come to a room with four doors before very long. These will each contain one of the mission bosses, but they are all the exact same fights as before.

Top-Left: Anubis Necromancis III

Top-Right: Blizzack Staggroff

Bottom-Left: Herculious Anchortus
Bottom-Right: Maha Ganeshariff

Once you've cleaned up this first section, proceed through the door to the right and make your way through another hallway. There is a small room around the middle of the top part of the hall that you can dash-jump to. It contains a giant health capsule and a 1up. Keep doing right and you will come to another chamber with four doors.

Top-Left: Sage Harpuia

Top-Right: Fighting Fefnir

Bottom-Left: Hidden Phantom
Note that once you beat Phantom he will blow himself up, which can kill you if you are standing too close.

Bottom-Right: Fairy Leviathan

Exit and go right through another corridor and you will come at the final room, and the game's final boss.

Copy X
Weakness: None

X has two basic attacks, one where he slides along the floor and tries to slam into you, just dash-jump over him when he does this. For his other one he dashes through the air, this time dash under him.Other than this, he has four "forms" each with two special attacks.

Basic Form
Basic Special: X will fire three purple shots which you can dash-jump over or climb one of the walls to avoid.
Charged Special: X will fire a large energy shot, which you can just jump over. This is also the only charged shot he can use in the air.

Lightning Form
Basic Special: X will fire a slow moving ball of electricity which you will have to maneuver around. The attack is the same in the air.
Charged Special: X will place his buster to the ground and send out a series of electric waves, which you can avoid by wall jumping.

Fire Form
Basic Special: X will fire an upward-arcing stream of fire, just dash away to avoid it. When he jumps and uses it just dash behind him.
Charged Special: X will fire eight fireballs into the air that will come down and explode. They won't hit you if you stand right next to him, but he will probably run into you right after. They will space out as they come down, so you can position yourself between two of them so that you're far enough away to dodge if X decides to dash at you before the fire fades away.

Ice Form
Basic Special: X will shoot out a large ice shard which will turn into a spread shot when it hits the wall.  If he fires it while standing you can just jump over the fragment that comes straight at you. If he shoots it while jumping, just dash away and stay on the ground and you shouldn't get hit.
Charged Special: He'll shoot a long spiral of ice crystals which you can dodge by wall climbing, or by dash-jumping over it.

For his EX Skill he will use a Sub Tank basically, restoring approximately a full lifebar. He's also invincible while healing, but as far as I saw he can only do this once. 

Basically the key to this fight is to keep moving but also try to keep him in sight as much as possible. It's a bit tough to do both things at once but all of his shots reach across the entire screen so it's good to see what's coming and also where he is so that you don't smack into him while you're trying to dodge. 

Ready for round two?

Angel X
Weakness: Ice
Reward: Not having to play anymore
Your movement will be pretty limited during this round.  You have a small area with pits on either side and two barriers that float up and down with spikes on the top and bottom. 

To attack, X will sometimes pass a white laser over the bottom standing area. The laser itself doesn't hurt you, but when you see it immediately jump onto one of the plat forms and wall-climb there for a second because the ground will burst into flames. If you see his forehead flash he is about to release golden rings, and of you get caught by one of them you will be immobilized. If one hits you while you happen to be climbing on one of the moving barriers, you will fall into the pit and die.

If you see his hands glow he is going to fire a volley of laser beams, dash over to the barrier that is down lowest to your standing platform and jump up onto it to avoid these. It can be somewhat tricky to hit him because only his head is vulnerable, but as he bobs up and down you can jump and hit him with a charged slash, and also as you're using the barriers to dodge his attacks you can jump off and hit him then. Also it helps to have to Triple Rod equipped as your sub-weapon so that if you're on the platform and not needing to dodge anything right at that second you can jump up and stab him in the face.

The EX Skill for this form is incredibly hard to dodge. X will drop holding rings down all over the place, and also bounce the side barriers across the platform to try to hit you. What I find works best is to dash to the far side, and you should just miss the platforms and the first ring or two. Then dash quickly back to the opposite side, wait for a couple more rings to drop, and then dash into the middle.

Eventually you will take him down and he will practically crumble to dust right there in front of you. And then he explodes, but luckily Zero makes his escape automatically. We get a short scene and then the credits will roll.

Save your file after the credits, and if it's your first time beating the game you will unlock Hard Mode. If you collected every cyber elf during your play and raised them to their maximum level, you can start a new game from your end-game save in which you will possess the secret cyber elf Jackson.

Jackson [1500/3000 EC]
After starting a new game with Jackson in your possession, play through the game once more using every single Cyber Elf. Once you beat X's final form for the second time you will unlock Ultimate Mode.

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