Megaman Zero: Extras Pt.1 (Cyber Elf Guide)
Hover your cursor over an elf to see its name and in-game description. Click on the icon to go to the section of the walkthrough the elf is found in.
Nurse Elves
Animal Elves
Hacker Elves
Special Elf
Elf Data
Nurse1; "Pink Nurse"
Name: Winkie
EC: 1000, 2000
Effect: Grants a two-tier health meter
Nurse2; "Red Nurse (Large)"
Name: Nuppie, Lippie, Reppie, Mippie
EC: 750
Effect: Extends the life meter by four points
Nurse3; "Green Nurse"
Name: Somack, Morick, Keick, Coswick
Effect: Fully restores Zero's health
Nurse4; "Blue Nurse"
Name: Motolar, Rohealar, Tielar, Muelar
Effect: Spirals around Zero, absorbs energy pellets it comes into contacts with and restores 1 point of health for each one.
Nurse5; "Red Nurse (Small)"
Name: Areff, Ireff, Greff, Bireff, Ereff, Gireff, Hareff, Dereff, Fureff, Sireff
Effect: Restores 8 points of health
Nurse6; "Blue Nurse (Large)"
Name: Nutan, Lubtan, Hapitan, Nebitan
EC: 1200
Effect: Becomes a Sub Tank
Animal1; "Turtle"
Name: Shelter
EC: 500, 1500
Effect: Halves the damage of all enemy attacks
Animal2; "Cheetah"
Name: Turbo
EC: 1000
Effect: Increases Zero's default movement speed
Animal3; "Monkey"
Name: Gibber
EC: 200
Effect: Increases Zero's ladder climbing speed
Animal4; "Frog"
Name: Ribbid
EC: 400
Effect: Reduces the speed at which Zero slides down walls
Animal5; "Buffalo"
Name: Buffer
EC: 700
Effect: Prevents the "flinch" effect when Zero is hit.
Animal6; "Bird"
Name: Birsky, Birfly, Birdian, Birtross, Birtak, Birrair
Effect: Lifts Zero out of a pit and allows him to hover for about 2 seconds
Animal7; "Otter"
Name: Stickle, Sticken, Stickon, Sticker
Effect: Clings to an enemy and prevents them from moving
Animal8; "Puffer Fish"
Name: Bomga, Bomgu, Bompa, Bompu
Effect: Absorbs energy pellets and then explodes (same explosion range as Colpper enemies).
Animal9; "Bee"
Name: Beenet, Beevoize, Beefive, Beehoney, Beedle, Beesus
Effect: Flies around Zero for about 20 seconds and fires an energy pellet every second or so.
Hacker1; "Witch"
Name: Totten
EC: 1500, 3000
Effect: Covers all spike traps with a harmless white barrier
Hacker2; "Knight"
Name: Eenite, Kenite
EC: 1250
Effect: Erases all minor enemies from a stage
Hacker3; "Hammer"
Name: Hafmargo, Hafmarda
EC: 1000
Effect: Cuts off some of a boss's hp
Hacker4; "Stopwatch"
Name: Stoccue, Stocchu, Stocpie, Stoctto, Stocpo
Effect: Stuns all small enemies for about a minute (except ones that don't move obviously)
Hacker5; "Alarm Clock"
Name: Clocka, Cloctch, Clocpooh, Cloctah, Clocpah
Effect: Slows down the game's time keeping, so you will have a wider window for timed missions. Alternatively, it can be used to try and get a better "clear time" mission score.
Hacker6; "Treasure Chest"
Name: Itettle, Itepon, Iteron, Itemon, Itecle
Effect: All small enemies defeated will drop an item 100% of the time (health or energy crystals).
Hacker7; "Mett"
Name: M-orolli, M-orque, M-orekka, M-oria, M-orell
Effect: All minor enemies in a stage will be turned into "Mettalls" which are these;

Special1; "Chameleon"
Name: Jackson
EC: 1500, 3000
Effect: Hold down the jump button for a second and Zero will start flashing rainbow colours and become invincible for a few seconds.
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