Live A Live Finale: Knight

"You, born from nothing, were created by humans to fulfill their selfish desires! And at the whim of those same humans, you were destroyed! Fight...! Once again!!"
Mother Computer 01-D0 Move List
System Recover
Hard Protect
High Speed Analysis
Drive Back
Right, so avoid High Speed Analysis because it does next to nothing. You will automatically use System Recover after all the robot's attacks, so you won't have much to worry about. He used Spin Drive on me right away so I was able to use Drive Back, but if he doesn't use this on you, use Hard Protect instead. Super easy.

O.Dio Move List
Gattling Shots
Warning Shot
Charge Bulge
Molotov Cocktail
The only thing you need to use here is Gattling Shots as it will take them both out in one shot. You can try Molotov Cocktail too if you want but it has a short range and isn't very strong. O.Dio doesn't have a healing move so you really can't afford to drag the fight out too much.

Odi Wang Lee Move List
Fei Zhua
Kuang Lang Quan
Kuang Luan Fei Long
Kuang Zhuan Yan Wu
This time around all of your attacks do roughly the same amount of damage, so simply use whatever your opponent is in range for.

Great Inko Statue Move List
Liquified Man Curse
Keruru Story
Keruru Kick
Namu's Parting Glow
Just keep using Namu's parting glow and the mech will go down. All it kept using on me was Halogen Laser which only did 1 damage half the time.

Odie Oldbright Move List
Acro DDO
Death's Scythe
Terrible Shout
Ga Fa Tie Pao
Don't use Ga Fa Tie Pao at all, and Terrible Shout will just heal you slightly. Your most powerful move is Acro DDO but it has terrible range so for the most part you will have to use Death's Scythe except for maybe once at the very beginning. He used Tsuda on me a couple times which very slightly worrying, but I didn't have any real problems.

Frogsnake Demon Move List
Poison Fangs
Poison Serpent Whip
Drink Blood
You can use Poison Serpent Whip to flood the field with poison tiles that will heal you if you want, but your only attack that does a decent amount of damage here is Drink Blood. You'll have to move in close to use it but it doesn't really make much of a difference since both of your opponents have mostly ranged attacks anyway.

O-D-O Move List
Crushing Bite
Crushing bite does the most damage here, but the others are all roughly the same. Zaki comes in once one of the three has been taken down, and the cave man has a lot of hp, but the only one who attacked me at all through the entire battle was Gori. So I really don't think there's any worry of losing here.
After this you will get a few lines of dialogue and then the credits will roll. The knight will be seen visiting various places that were important to him during his quest, and that is about it for this ending.

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