Live A Live: Finale Bonus Dungeons (Part 1)

To start, I'll be going over the two bonus dungeons on Hero Mountain, since I'm picking Li as my main protagonist for the finale. My party will be only Li and the caveman.

Well done, Li!

Technique Dungeon
This dungeon is in the first section of Hero Mountain, over on the left side. It is directly across from the exit to the second screen, you will see it blocked off by a large rock. If you approach it and inspect it with the Kung Fu inheritor in your party, they will break the rock and you can go inside. Note there are no random encounters in here.

From the entrance, descend the first set of steps to your right, then go north. When you hit the wall there will be a rock to your left. Inspect it and use LaoHuZhiWu to break it. Head inside the revealed doorway and you will discover Voice Heart. You have to fight him every single time you go through one of these doorways until you get the weapon in the final room. He's not that hard just have your main character keep a distance if they can and attack from there, while having another character (or other characters) stand in the way and beat up on him from up close.

In this first chamber you will find a chest with a Goddess Gauntlet that I equipped on Li. Exit to the south and go right past a whole bunch of doorways until you hit the wall. Go down and break the first rock (same technique) you come to and go inside. You'll find a Mermaid Bottom this time, and Song Heart again. From where you come out go left, up the first set of steps you come to, and then right and break the rock (same technique). Inside you will find the Master's Nunchaku, and Voice Heart for the final time.

Exit and go left to the doorway to get another Goddess Gauntlet inside. The next doorway left from there has Amon Blood, then a Clack Case next to that one (go down the steps and come back up), and a Holy Water next to that. The bottom left corner leads to a Maria's Veil and next to that a Baal Blood. Go back to the previous section.

To the left of where you broke the rock is an Ice Helm and left of that is another Holy Water. North of where you broke the rock is a pair of Chario Boots, with a Golden Hairpin next to that and a Thick Chest Hair next to that one. Down the steps from here is some Dynamite, then go back to the previous area. There's no more open doorways here so just exit the dungeon. If you're wondering about all those rocks we didn't break, they just lead to the same rooms that we collected all the treasure from, and they can't be broken from inside.

Instinct Dungeon
To find this dungeon, go back to the entrance of the Hero's Mountain area and go right. Head north, weaving through the trees and you will come to a dead end facing a section of the mountain's side.

Inspect this spot while you have the caveman with you and he will proclaim his love (it's a nice wall, I guess) and smash through. This dungeon is fairly short, but there are random encounters this time around. When you enter go left and into the first door. Go through the only other door in the room, then take the south exit in the next chamber. Go left from here and down a set of steps and through the next door. There will be three doors in a row in this next section. The left leads to a chest with an Alice Biscuit and th.e right leads to a Unicorn Horn.

Take the middle door to move forward, and proceed through a series of linear rooms. In the next chamber where there are two doors, take the one on the left and open the chest for an Aspertia Plume. Go back and take the next door, then from here stick to the right wall and go south. Do the same in the next room, and then take the opposite door in the very small space and go up.

Keep going up and you will reach the final room. Inspect the pedestal to receive the Bone Axe, it isn't guarded or anything. Also, you'll notice on the way back there's another path to the left. This leads to an optional boss that is rather tough. You will not be able to fight it unless you have a Gold Topknot and say "yes" when it asks you to give it your soul.

Optional Boss: Amlucretia
If you fought Lord Iwama in the ninja's chapter, this fight plays out much the same. My party was around level 25, except the Wrestler who was level 18, and he didn't give me any trouble at all. He was even nice enough to turn his back to me so that my attacks did more damage. Just use your strongest abilities, heal often, and keep pounding away at him. When you win you will get the Ariel's Ring. When he asks if you have any questions for him, pick "Who am I?" just or fun.

That's all for the two mountain dungeons.

Bonus dungeons part 2 (towns)
Bonus dungeons part 3 (forest)
Bonus dungeons part 4 (mech pilot)

Finale main walkthrough

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