Live A Live: The Demon King

Heck yeah it's okay! I both love and hate this chapter, but I can't really explain it wouthout spoiling the story. So let's just get going with it. I'm naming my character Lief this time around. You'll be tossed into three battles right away, but they both go about the same. Just stand right next to your opponent (not diagonal) and hit them with your character's V Shine attack. Then a demon steals the princess. Crap.

Now, one of the things that's very tricky about this chapter is that there are certain items you do not want to get. The reason is that the rest of the characters will show up in this medieval area for the endgame and the knight's inventory will not carry over. After the events are done, leave the castle simply by heading south continuously. All of the townspeople will be lined up outside and this is where we will get our first few items.

On the left, the fourth person from the top will give you a Naorigusa. On the right side, the second person down will give you a Defender which you should equip in your off-hand. Right below him is a guy who will give you This Thing, an accessory that will increase your vitality by a whole one point. You can keep talking to him over and over to get more. I got twenty of them, because we have three other people joining our party this chapter and won't get much else to put on them. Hey, why not?

The person below that will give you the Disrobed Clothes (offers 1 defense, whoopee). The next person down from that gives you a Joshua Seed and then you can head south through the gates, where you will be joined by Straybow.

South of the castle is this sign. Hero mountain is where we want to go, and luckily it's not very far to walk. However, while not exactly necessary it may be helpful to train up to about level 3 before you enter the area. On the mountain, there are Cool Bulb enemies that will drop an excellent Ice Helm item, try to get one for each of your characters. Also the Fang Eaters can drop an Axion Sword, so try to farm one of those for your knight as well.

Head up along the mountain path, ignoring the red plant on the way - it's another item we don't want to get. Go right and when the path splits apart go up and back left. Go up as far as you can ignoring several paths to the right until you hit the wall. As you go right there will be one path leading north but it's a dead end, so go just a few more steps east around a small ledge and then north into the second mountain area.

Go up just a short way and there will be this cabin off to the left. Speak to the owner, but he won't say anything to you and just go inside. Follow him in and inspect the shield on the wall, then leave. Go all the way back down the mountain. Also, if you run into the giant Nuggiebear enemy, run. Do not try to fight it. It's a bad idea. Once you're off the mountain, head south until you find a dark green path leading west. Follow it and here you can inspect the orangey plants to get some more Naorigusa.

Head into the house on the left and inspect the shield on the wall, and Uranus will join your party. Take the Hero's Shield off the wall (we wouldn't have had access to this later) and equip it on Uranus. Don't worry about the loss of speed, all of Uranus' skills are instant anyway. Go back to the mountain now - you can try to get an Ice Helm for Uranus, but it's really not worth it in my opinion. Anyway, go back up to the cabin and speak to Hash, and as you go to leave he will join your party. You can get another Hero's Shield from the wall, put this one on Straybow. You want Has to have as much speed as possible.

After you have recruited Hash, go north to the summit and get his sword Brion from the grave. He is the only one that can equip it, so give it to him and then exit Hero Mountain and go south to the path we took to the village where Uranus was. Instead of going that way head east, and you will come across this group of trees. Pass through them and go south and pick 10 Naorigusa. You can exit the screen and come back for ten more, but you probably won't need quite that many. When you're done continue east and enter the cave here.

In the first section head straight left and then north to a split in the path. Go left and up to find a stone door, and go through. Like the castle before, we don't want to collect the items here. In the next room go up and head through the passage on the right. Keep going east, down some steps and right to the end. Go north and through another door into the next chamber. In here just keep going left and then up and in the northwest corner is another door. Go through this and another small room, and then go to the northeast in this next area. Go through the door, then out the other side, then keep going north through a door and another room, and you will find the demon.

Oh, that is a lovely starting formation. Well done team. Anyway, have Hash use Death Trail and Straybow just use whatever (let him die, we don't need him). The knight won't be able to do much unless you spent a lot of time pumping up his level. I gave up after I got him to level 8 personally, but at level 9 he learns Dragon Sword which will make him quite a bit more useful. Uranus should just try to keep everyone in good health, though he probably won't be able to keep up. Use a couple naorigusa if you need it. but it's going to be a tough fight no matter what you do.

When the fight's done you will get the Brion, and also unequip everything from Straybow before you go anywhere. There's nothing left to do here so return to the castle. You won't get any random battles on your way back, at least.

So you'll be awaken in the middle of the night and when you go out into the audience hall you'll see a shadow of the Demon Lord. Fight it and this will happen. Uranus will be taken hostage and you will be booted out of the castle. Jeeez. You kill a guy in a tournament, you're the new hero. Kill someone by accident you're the king of demons. Ah well, nothing we can do about it unfortunately.

From the castle return to the mountain and inspect Hash's false grave for a flashback. Then go to the village where we found Uranus and speak to the family in the house beside his. I'm not sure whether you have to speak to them all after the initial scene or not, so I guess best to do it just to avoid having to come back. Return to the castle and you'll get thrown in jail. Hooray!

Uranus will magic the door open, so let's get out of this crazy place for good. You'll have to fight a handful of battles on the way out but they're really weak enemies. Return to the cave in the east we went through a short while ago. I would recommend leveling up to at least 11 in this first room because when you get to the door you'll have to fight a boss. Not there will be one at each one of these white doors, and it is an extremely good idea to save before approaching them.

This boss has an Earthquake attack that can hit the entire screen for about 100 damage, so yeah. Nowhere is really safe. She also has a close-range Cement Attack which will turn you to stone and make you instantly lose the fight. I found the best thing to use was Jump Shot, staying just at the very end of its range. You may still need to consume one or two Naorigusa, but since it will increase your stats as well, it'll be a big help. Note that she can drop a Stone Fist item to equip on your arm, but right near the end of the chapter so if you don't get it there's not much use re-doing the battle for it.

This guy guy can be very annoying, tedious and dangerous. He has a close-range counter ability that will steal over 100 points of health from you, as well as a less damaging main attack that will constantly drop your stats. If you've trained your knight up to level 12 then Hexaflange can take him out before he even gets a chance to attack, and the next best thing I was able to find after that was Razor Sonic. He can drop the Demon's Cloud, which is a one-time attack item that deals around 400 damage to the entire screen.

All you have to do for this fight is run around and use a Jump Shot on the Acrophobia Container in the corner. You can get the incredibly strong Flame Armor by defeating all four of the girls, but since we're almost at the end of the chapter anyway we won't be getting a whole lot of use out of it. It seems to take quite a few tried to get it, too. Nonetheless it will help for the last couple battles, at least. The girls have an Acrobatic attack that has a very wide range and causes a ton of damage, but Jump Shot seems to work well. Hexflange has a chance of stunning them and has a good angle but it doesn't do much damage, and Razor Sonic can hit all of them at once but if they hit you while it's charging the attack will be canceled.

This can be very annoying. Not only will she deal a lot of damage to you with her attacks, but she'll also put you to sleep... and also heal. I found Jump Shot to work well, but she will close in on you very quickly. Once she does you will have to try to keep ahead of her healing by turning her around with Spindle or Hammer Power. If you get a moment where she is facing the other way on your turn, use something instant and strong like V Shine or Hexaflange, it will do more damage while her back is turned.

Head through the final chambers to the room where Hash died and inspect the statue at the head of the room to reveal a hidden passage. Go through a long tunnel and and when you come out the other side you will face off against the chapter's boss, who is...

Yep. This guy. I hate this guy. He will always be the same level as you, just to maximize the size of the pain he's going to put in your ass. Which means if you got yourself up to level 16 he will know the deadly counter ability Black Abyss, while you will know the powerful move Death Trail. If you are at least level 14 he will know the equally dangerous Amber Storm which strikes you with lightning and creates a large field of electric tiles. If you have not learned Death Trail then your best attack here is probably Jump Shot. He may have more hp and spells than before but he's still just a squishy mage at his core and you should be able to deal decent damage to him. Use Naorigusa to heal and buff your stats when you need to (because you will) and just keep trying to beat him down as best as you can. At the very least, he doesn't have a healing ability.

When he has fallen you will see another scene that ticks me off, and that is it for the Medieval Chapter.

Go to the finale introduction

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