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#1 Crafting Items
Early in the chapter there is a room right next to the main characters' with a cave man running around inside at high speed. If you catch up to him and speak to him, an identical character will enter the room. Speak to either of these two and a third will appear. Do this over and over and eventually there will be 20 cave men in the room. However in order to receive the items you must interact with the very last one to enter, or they will all leave and you will get nothing. The easiest way to do it;

1. Talk to the cave men until there are 19 in the room (18 times)
2. Make sure they are all out of the way and then stand blocking the door.
3. Interact with any of them one more time, so the 20th will try to enter but be stuck below you.
4. Talk to him and receive a Big Stick, Bone, Beast Fang, Beast Horn, Hide, Tough Hide and Hard Rock

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