Pokemon Red Version (Part VIII)
Welcome back to beating up cute things and taking peoples' money.
Well, that's not odd at all.

Rocket || ¥600
Raticate Lv.20 || Normal || 496 exp
Zubat Lv.20 || Poison / Flying || 231 exp
Inspect the poster once you've trounced the guard and then go down the newly-appeared staircase off to the right.There will be another staircase as soon as you emerge, but it's said something rude about your mother so ignore it and head to the left.

Rocket || ¥630
Raticate Lv.21 || Normal || 522 exp
Raticate Lv.21 || Normal || 522 exp
South of this trainer is an item ball holding an Escape Rope. Head back up and go down the middle path.
Get this hidden item, then go back up once more and take the path on the right.

Rocket || ¥630
Drowzee Lv.21 || Psychic || 459 exp
Machop Lv.21 || Fighting || 396 exp
That's it for this floor, so go down to the next.

Rocket || ¥510
Zubat Lv.17 || Poison / Flying || 196 exp
Koffing Lv.17 || Poison || 414 exp
Grimer Lv.17 || Poison || 327 exp
Zubat Lv.17 || Poison / Flying || 196 exp
Raticate Lv.17 || Normal || 421 exp
To the left of this trainer you will see some tiles with arrows on them, if you step on these you will go spinning off in the direction they are pointing until you land on one of the tiles made up of four same-coloured squares. There's a bunch of items here, but it ultimately leads to a path we can't take at the moment, so go down the next set of stairs. A bit to the right and down is another Rocket.

Rocket || ¥630
Machop Lv.21 || Fighting || 396 exp
Machop Lv.21 || Fighting || 396 exp
In the room below him is this invisible Nugget, as well as the visible TM10 Double-Edge. In the room to the left there are more "move" tiles like we saw on the floor above. Step on the tile pointing down, and grab the Rare Candy to the right. Go back up.
Walk up and left and step on the tile pointing left. Walk down from where you stop and take the one leading right. Walk down and you will see a diagonal row of five move tiles all poiting right. (The top-most one is directly below a "stop" tile). You want to take the fourth in this row, you should be able to see that it will send you downward. Walk left from where you stop for another battle.

Rocket || ¥600
Rattata Lv.20 || Normal || 243 exp
Raticate Lv.20 || Normal || 496 exp
Drowzee Lv.20 || Psychic || 436 exp
Head down the stairs nearby. When you emerge, head to the room at the top-left.

Get the TM02 Razor Wind from the corner here, then challenge the trainer.

Rocket || ¥630
Koffing Lv.21 || Poison || 513 exp
Zubat Lv.21 || Poison / Flying || 243 exp
Out of the two here, step on the bottom one. When you stop, go left and then loop up and back around the way you came, walking on the regular tiles. You will come to an item ball with another Nugget.
Go back to the "stop" tile and go down, getting another item on your left which is a Moon Stone. Step on the "move" tile pointing right for a short trip that will allow you to get TM07 Horn Drill. Then go right and down.
From this position, if you want back to the start step on left, then the lower tile pointing right. To continue, step on the right panel, then go left. At the next stop go down and take the lower of the two options to get to the lower left of the room, and at the next split take the far-right path. You will be able to reach the Super Potion. From here go north along the left wall and step on the panel leading to the right, then head back down to the position in the image above.
To continue step on the right panel leading down, then left, then down to the two tiles leading left and take the one on top. Go down and follow the narrow path right. Then puke everywhere and go up the stairs here. There's two trainers, I'll be taking them on west first, then north.

Rocket || ¥570
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Raticate Lv.19 || Normal || 471 exp
Raticate Lv.19 || Normal || 471 exp
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp

Rocket || ¥600
Grimer Lv.20 || Poison || 385 exp
Koffing Lv.20 || Poison || 487 exp
Koffing Lv.20 || Poison || 487 exp
Yay, Mark! You're not nearly as horrible as I first thought you would be, and I really appreciate that. Anyway, over to the left is a Hyper Potion. Go back down the stairs and take the doorway on the right which actually leads us to an elevator. On B1F there's a trainer;

Rocket || ¥660
Grimer Lv.22 || Poison || 423 exp
Koffing Lv.22 || Poison || 537 exp
Defeating him will open the door behind him to the main part of the floor. This is a shortcut back out for when we're done, but for now take the elevator to B4F. Exit and go left to find an Iron sitting on a table. This permanently raises a Pokemon's defense. Next challenge the Rocket member standing to the left of the door ahead.

Rocket || ¥690
Sandshrew Lv.23 || Ground || 457 exp
Ekans Lv.23 || Poison || 304 exp
Sandslash Lv.23 || Ground || 802 exp
Then the one on the right, of course.

Rocket || ¥690
Ekans Lv.23 || Poison || 304 exp
Sandshrew Lv.23 || Ground || 457 exp
Arbok Lv.23 || Poison || 724 exp
Grab another hidden item here, then save and talk to the guy at the table.

Rocket Boss Giovanni || ¥2871
Onix Lv.25 || Rock / Ground || 577 exp
Rhyhorn Lv.24 || Ground / Rock || 693 exp
Kangaskhan Lv.29 || Normal || 1087 exp
His Kangaskhan can cause a lot of trouble. It has a lot of HP and knows Rage, which means that every time you attack it right after it has used the move, its attack will raise. I had my Ivysaur use Leech Seed and Poison Powder, then keep attacking with Mega Drain and I came out of it in pretty good shape. Another tactic would be to use supper-effective Fighting type moves. Or, if you haven't been following along exactly and caught a Gastly back in Lavender town, Kangaskhan's attacks will be useless against it. Note though that unless Gastly/Haunter knows some non-ghost type moves, it won't be able to damage Kangaskhan either.
After the battle, Giovanni will leave the Silph Scope behind, so take this and make your way out. Our next destination is Lavender Town.
Pokemon Tower

Gastly || Ghost / Poison
Haunter || Ghost / Poison
Cubone || Ground
There is nothing on the first floor except various sad people, but once you take the stairs get ready to face off against your rival.

Rival || ¥1625
Pidgeotto Lv.25 || Normal / Flying || 604 exp
Exeggcute Lv.23 || Grass / Psychic || 483 exp (Unless you chose Squirtle)
Gyarados Lv.22 || Water / Flying || 1008 exp (Unless you chose Charmander)
Kadabra Lv.20 || Psychic || 621 exp
Charmeleon Lv.25 || Fire || 760 exp
If you chose Squirtle or Charmander, he will have a Growlithe instead of the Charmeleon. The Pokemon who is the same type as your starter will be at level 23, and the one whose type is weak to your starter will be level 22. I won't be repeating this for future encounters.
Continue up to the third floor, heading northeast once you're there. You will find a new type of trainer here. Not that all trainer up to the last floor use Ghost types, so Normal and Fighting type attacks will have no effect. Also, I guess they're not so much "using" the Pokemon as they are possessed by them. So yeah. That's quite lovely.
If you have a Normal/Flying type that has been taught Fly, you can probably KO most of these Pokemon in one shot if you're around level 30. Night Shade and Confuse Ray will still be able to affect them, but they'll be immune to Lick which can cause Paralysis. Psychic or Ground types will be super-effective.

Channeler || ¥690
Gastly Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 468 exp
Behind this trainer is an Escape Rope. In the lower section of the room, go right to find another trainer.

Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Then another north of here.

Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
When you're done, the stairs are on the right side. Up on the fourth floor we've got more Channelers.
Uh... yeah... I'm not really ready for that type of commitment?

Channeler || ¥690
Gastly Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 468 exp
Gastly Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 468 exp
Down from here and left there is an Elixer in between some grave stones. There's another trainer beside it.

Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Around the graves to the left is an Awakening and south is an HP Up. Left a bit more by the stairs is yet another Channeler.

Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
On the fifth floor there is a hidden item, and four more possessed women; one to the north, one to the east one near the middle, and one to the south. The woman standing by the white squares will not battle you, and if you step on this space your party will be completely healed.

Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Fun fact: This next lady demands that we give her our soul! Yaaaay!

Channeler || ¥690
Haunter Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 621 exp
And if you think that opening quote was disturbing, take a look at the thing that was possessing her.
(Note, this screen cap is of a wild Haunter, the one you fight here is level 23 as listed).

Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp

Channeler || ¥660
Haunter Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 594 exp
What I don't get is, if they're possessed why do they still give you money after you win? Not that I'm complaining. But anyway, there's a Nugget to the left of this southernmost woman, and the stairs are over to the right.
More human Pokeballs up on the sixth floor starting left of the staircase, then northeast, then around the middle-north.
This is arguably more disturbing to me then the soul one. I mean, you figure maybe ghosts eat souls right? But I just can't understand what it might want with my blood.

Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Below her is an X Accuracy.

Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp

Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
Oddly enough, there is a Rare Candy laying in your path that you actually have to pick up in order to progress.
So if like me, you've got a level 31 Ivysaur just laying about not doing anything, you can turn it into a lazy Venusaur that will lay about doing nothing! Whoop! Also, save your game here because as you go up to the next floor you will be forced into a battle.

Rocket || ¥750
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Golbat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 915 exp

Rocket || ¥780
Koffing Lv.26 || Poison || 634 exp
Drowzee Lv.26 || Psychic || 567 exp

Rocket || ¥690
Zubat Lv.23 || Poison / Flying || 265 exp
Rattata Lv.23 || Normal || 280 exp
Raticate Lv.23 || Normal || 571 exp
Zubat Lv.23 || Poison / Flying || 265 exp
Talk to the old man at the top and you will be teleported to his house. Talk to him again and you will receive the Poke Flute! And, that's it for this section. I know it feels like we got a whole lot of nothing accomplished, but we are well on our way to greater things I assure you!
My Team

Murphy, Lv.32
Keith, Lv.28
Annie, Lv.31
Geraldine, Lv.31
Sidnets, Lv.30
Mark, Lv.30
Items Obtained
Escape Rope (x2)
Nugget (x3)
TM10 Double Edge
Rare Candy (x2)
TM02 Razor Wind
Lift Key
HP Up (x2)
Moon Stone
TM07 Horn Drill
Super Potion (x2)
Hyper Potion
Silph Scope
Elixer (x2)
X Accuracy
Poke Flute
Seen: 90
Own: 47
Rocket || ¥600
Raticate Lv.20 || Normal || 496 exp
Zubat Lv.20 || Poison / Flying || 231 exp
Inspect the poster once you've trounced the guard and then go down the newly-appeared staircase off to the right.There will be another staircase as soon as you emerge, but it's said something rude about your mother so ignore it and head to the left.
Rocket || ¥630
Raticate Lv.21 || Normal || 522 exp
Raticate Lv.21 || Normal || 522 exp
South of this trainer is an item ball holding an Escape Rope. Head back up and go down the middle path.
Rocket || ¥630
Drowzee Lv.21 || Psychic || 459 exp
Machop Lv.21 || Fighting || 396 exp
That's it for this floor, so go down to the next.
Rocket || ¥510
Zubat Lv.17 || Poison / Flying || 196 exp
Koffing Lv.17 || Poison || 414 exp
Grimer Lv.17 || Poison || 327 exp
Zubat Lv.17 || Poison / Flying || 196 exp
Raticate Lv.17 || Normal || 421 exp
To the left of this trainer you will see some tiles with arrows on them, if you step on these you will go spinning off in the direction they are pointing until you land on one of the tiles made up of four same-coloured squares. There's a bunch of items here, but it ultimately leads to a path we can't take at the moment, so go down the next set of stairs. A bit to the right and down is another Rocket.
Rocket || ¥630
Machop Lv.21 || Fighting || 396 exp
Machop Lv.21 || Fighting || 396 exp
Walk up and left and step on the tile pointing left. Walk down from where you stop and take the one leading right. Walk down and you will see a diagonal row of five move tiles all poiting right. (The top-most one is directly below a "stop" tile). You want to take the fourth in this row, you should be able to see that it will send you downward. Walk left from where you stop for another battle.
Rocket || ¥600
Rattata Lv.20 || Normal || 243 exp
Raticate Lv.20 || Normal || 496 exp
Drowzee Lv.20 || Psychic || 436 exp
Head down the stairs nearby. When you emerge, head to the room at the top-left.
Get the TM02 Razor Wind from the corner here, then challenge the trainer.
Rocket || ¥630
Koffing Lv.21 || Poison || 513 exp
Zubat Lv.21 || Poison / Flying || 243 exp
Talk to him again after you beat him to receive the Lift Key, then check the room below you for an HP Up sitting on a table. Go back upstairs (or leave and heal/store items in the pc if you wish) and left to the room with the move tiles that we passed up before.
Out of the two here, step on the bottom one. When you stop, go left and then loop up and back around the way you came, walking on the regular tiles. You will come to an item ball with another Nugget.
Go back to the "stop" tile and go down, getting another item on your left which is a Moon Stone. Step on the "move" tile pointing right for a short trip that will allow you to get TM07 Horn Drill. Then go right and down.
To continue step on the right panel leading down, then left, then down to the two tiles leading left and take the one on top. Go down and follow the narrow path right. Then puke everywhere and go up the stairs here. There's two trainers, I'll be taking them on west first, then north.
Rocket || ¥570
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Raticate Lv.19 || Normal || 471 exp
Raticate Lv.19 || Normal || 471 exp
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Rocket || ¥600
Grimer Lv.20 || Poison || 385 exp
Koffing Lv.20 || Poison || 487 exp
Koffing Lv.20 || Poison || 487 exp
Rocket || ¥660
Grimer Lv.22 || Poison || 423 exp
Koffing Lv.22 || Poison || 537 exp
Defeating him will open the door behind him to the main part of the floor. This is a shortcut back out for when we're done, but for now take the elevator to B4F. Exit and go left to find an Iron sitting on a table. This permanently raises a Pokemon's defense. Next challenge the Rocket member standing to the left of the door ahead.
Rocket || ¥690
Sandshrew Lv.23 || Ground || 457 exp
Ekans Lv.23 || Poison || 304 exp
Sandslash Lv.23 || Ground || 802 exp
Then the one on the right, of course.
Rocket || ¥690
Ekans Lv.23 || Poison || 304 exp
Sandshrew Lv.23 || Ground || 457 exp
Arbok Lv.23 || Poison || 724 exp
Rocket Boss Giovanni || ¥2871
Onix Lv.25 || Rock / Ground || 577 exp
Rhyhorn Lv.24 || Ground / Rock || 693 exp
Kangaskhan Lv.29 || Normal || 1087 exp
His Kangaskhan can cause a lot of trouble. It has a lot of HP and knows Rage, which means that every time you attack it right after it has used the move, its attack will raise. I had my Ivysaur use Leech Seed and Poison Powder, then keep attacking with Mega Drain and I came out of it in pretty good shape. Another tactic would be to use supper-effective Fighting type moves. Or, if you haven't been following along exactly and caught a Gastly back in Lavender town, Kangaskhan's attacks will be useless against it. Note though that unless Gastly/Haunter knows some non-ghost type moves, it won't be able to damage Kangaskhan either.
After the battle, Giovanni will leave the Silph Scope behind, so take this and make your way out. Our next destination is Lavender Town.
Pokemon Tower
Gastly || Ghost / Poison
Haunter || Ghost / Poison
Cubone || Ground
There is nothing on the first floor except various sad people, but once you take the stairs get ready to face off against your rival.
Rival || ¥1625
Pidgeotto Lv.25 || Normal / Flying || 604 exp
Exeggcute Lv.23 || Grass / Psychic || 483 exp (Unless you chose Squirtle)
Gyarados Lv.22 || Water / Flying || 1008 exp (Unless you chose Charmander)
Kadabra Lv.20 || Psychic || 621 exp
Charmeleon Lv.25 || Fire || 760 exp
If you chose Squirtle or Charmander, he will have a Growlithe instead of the Charmeleon. The Pokemon who is the same type as your starter will be at level 23, and the one whose type is weak to your starter will be level 22. I won't be repeating this for future encounters.
Continue up to the third floor, heading northeast once you're there. You will find a new type of trainer here. Not that all trainer up to the last floor use Ghost types, so Normal and Fighting type attacks will have no effect. Also, I guess they're not so much "using" the Pokemon as they are possessed by them. So yeah. That's quite lovely.
If you have a Normal/Flying type that has been taught Fly, you can probably KO most of these Pokemon in one shot if you're around level 30. Night Shade and Confuse Ray will still be able to affect them, but they'll be immune to Lick which can cause Paralysis. Psychic or Ground types will be super-effective.
Channeler || ¥690
Gastly Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 468 exp
Behind this trainer is an Escape Rope. In the lower section of the room, go right to find another trainer.
Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Then another north of here.
Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
When you're done, the stairs are on the right side. Up on the fourth floor we've got more Channelers.
Channeler || ¥690
Gastly Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 468 exp
Gastly Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 468 exp
Down from here and left there is an Elixer in between some grave stones. There's another trainer beside it.
Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Around the graves to the left is an Awakening and south is an HP Up. Left a bit more by the stairs is yet another Channeler.
Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
On the fifth floor there is a hidden item, and four more possessed women; one to the north, one to the east one near the middle, and one to the south. The woman standing by the white squares will not battle you, and if you step on this space your party will be completely healed.
Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Fun fact: This next lady demands that we give her our soul! Yaaaay!
Channeler || ¥690
Haunter Lv.23 || Ghost / Poison || 621 exp
And if you think that opening quote was disturbing, take a look at the thing that was possessing her.
Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
Channeler || ¥660
Haunter Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 594 exp
What I don't get is, if they're possessed why do they still give you money after you win? Not that I'm complaining. But anyway, there's a Nugget to the left of this southernmost woman, and the stairs are over to the right.
More human Pokeballs up on the sixth floor starting left of the staircase, then northeast, then around the middle-north.
Channeler || ¥660
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Gastly Lv.22 || Ghost / Poison || 447 exp
Below her is an X Accuracy.
Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
Channeler || ¥720
Gastly Lv.24 || Ghost / Poison || 487 exp
Oddly enough, there is a Rare Candy laying in your path that you actually have to pick up in order to progress.
|| Ghost ||
Marowak Lv. 30 || Ground || 531 exp
You must defeat this Pokemon, any ball you use on it will miss. If you did not have the Silph Scope, it would remain as the "Ghost" and you would not be able to attack it (it would say your Pokemon was too scared to move).
Alright, we are almost done with this place. Head up to the seventh floor and be prepared for a few more battles - though these are against different enemies, at least.
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Zubat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 288 exp
Golbat Lv.25 || Poison / Flying || 915 exp
Rocket || ¥780
Koffing Lv.26 || Poison || 634 exp
Drowzee Lv.26 || Psychic || 567 exp
Rocket || ¥690
Zubat Lv.23 || Poison / Flying || 265 exp
Rattata Lv.23 || Normal || 280 exp
Raticate Lv.23 || Normal || 571 exp
Zubat Lv.23 || Poison / Flying || 265 exp
Talk to the old man at the top and you will be teleported to his house. Talk to him again and you will receive the Poke Flute! And, that's it for this section. I know it feels like we got a whole lot of nothing accomplished, but we are well on our way to greater things I assure you!
My Team
Murphy, Lv.32
Keith, Lv.28
Annie, Lv.31
Geraldine, Lv.31
Sidnets, Lv.30
Mark, Lv.30
Items Obtained
Escape Rope (x2)
Nugget (x3)
TM10 Double Edge
Rare Candy (x2)
TM02 Razor Wind
Lift Key
HP Up (x2)
Moon Stone
TM07 Horn Drill
Super Potion (x2)
Hyper Potion
Silph Scope
Elixer (x2)
X Accuracy
Poke Flute
Seen: 90
Own: 47
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