Pokemon Red Version (Part VII)
Welcome back to Pokemon: Female Junior Trainer Edition. (Okay so that was the last part not this one, but I didn't think of it then).
In today's chapter, we'll be doing a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't involve getting another gym badge. First lets face off against this wench.

Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥420
Pidgey Lv.21 || Normal / Flying || 247 exp
Pidgeotto Lv.21 || Normal / Flying || 508 exp
There's also a Hiker here off to the left side.

There's another Hiker below, but first head back east from the Junior Trainer.

Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥420
Pidgey Lv.21 || Normal / Flying || 247 exp
Pidgeotto Lv.21 || Normal / Flying || 508 exp
There's also a Hiker here off to the left side.
Hiker || ¥735
Geodude Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 387 exp
Onix Lv.21 || Rock / Ground || 486 exp
There's another Hiker below, but first head back east from the Junior Trainer.
Interesting how the only two items you get from the Rock Tunnel are from the outside of the dungeon. Anyway, head down and circle back around if you want to take on that other Hiker. We're almost to a Pokemon Center so if you want to continue south and heal and come back to face him there's just one other easily avoidable trainer in the way.
Hiker || ¥665
Onix Lv.19 || Rock / Ground || 439 exp
Onix Lv.19 || Rock / Ground || 439 exp
Graveler Lv.19 || Rock / Ground || 544 exp
Pokemaniac || ¥1000
Cubone Lv.20 || Ground || 372 exp
Slowpoke Lv.20 || Water / Psychic || 423 exp
Whenever you're ready, head south and enter Lavender Town. Talk to the people around town if you want, many of them will mention a Cubone who was orphaned by an attack from Team Rocket. There is a man in the bottom-right house who will give your Pokemon new nicknames, though you cannot change those of Pokemon you got in a trade.
Going west is the true way to proceed here, but I'm going to be taking a detour south first.
Upstairs in the large guard station you will find only this girl, who gives you TM39 Swift. It's a normal type move that isn't incredibly strong, but never misses. Exit south and continue down across the docks, and you'll come across several trainers with nothing but water-type Pokemon.
Fisherman || ¥770
Goldeen Lv.22 || Water || 522 exp
Poliwag Lv.22 || Water || 363 exp
Goldeen Lv.22 || Water || 522 exp
Fisherman || ¥840
Tentacool Lv.24 || Water / Poison || 540 exp
Goldeen Lv.24 || Water || 570 expFisherman || ¥945
Goldeen Lv.27 || Water || 642 exp
Fisherman || ¥735
Poliwag Lv.21 || Water || 346 exp
Shellder Lv.21 || Water || 436 exp
Goldeen Lv.21 || Water || 499 exp
Horsea Lv.21 || Water || 373 exp
With the last Fisherman taken care off, return to town and take the other exit here.
Route 8
Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Ekans || Poison (Red version only)
Sandshrew || Ground (Blue version only)
Vulpix || Fire (Blue version only)
Meowth || Normal (Blue version only)
Mankey || Fighting (Red version only)
Growlithe || Fire (Red version only)
Lass || ¥330
Clefairy Lv.22 || Normal || 319 exp
Clefairy Lv.22 || Normal || 319 exp
Gambler || ¥1680
Growlithe Lv.24 || Fire || 468 exp
Growlithe Lv.24 || Fire || 324 exp
Super Nerd || ¥550
Grimer Lv.22 || Poison || 423 exp
Muk Lv.22 || Poison || 739 exp
Grimer Lv.22 || Poison || 423 exp
Look mom, I'm fitting in! (Trainer information is listed from the top down)
Lass || ¥345
Nidoran♀ Lv.23 || Poison || 289 exp
Nidorina Lv.23 || Poison || 576 exp
Super Nerd || ¥650
Koffing Lv.26 || Poison || 634 expLass || ¥360
Meowth Lv.24 || Normal || 354 exp
Meowth Lv.24 || Normal || 354 exp
Meowth Lv.24 || Normal || 354 exp
Lass || ¥285
Pidgey Lv.19 || Normal / Flying || 223 exp
Rattata Lv.19 || Normal || 231 exp
Nidoran♂ Lv.19 || Poison || 243 exp
Meowth Lv.19 || Normal || 280 exp
Pikachu Lv.19 || Electric || 333 exp
Gambler || ¥1540
Poliwag Lv.22 || Water || 363 exp
Poliwag Lv.22 || Water || 363 exp
Poliwhirl Lv.22 || Water || 616 exp
Super Nerd || ¥650
Voltorb Lv.20 || Electric || 441 exp
Koffing Lv.20 || Poison || 487 expVoltorb Lv.20 || Electric || 441 exp
Magnemite Lv.20 || Electric || 381 exp
At the end of the route is another underground passageway, which of course contains a couple hidden items. This one is closer to the left side, with the stairs about 5 steps off the screen.
This one is about in the middle. Sand in the southeast corner and count 20 steps.
Route 7
Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Ekans || Poison (Red version only)
Sandshrew || Ground (Blue version only)
Vulpix || Fire (Blue version only)
Oddish || Grass / Poison (Red version only)
Meowth || Normal (Blue version only)
Mankey || Fighting (Red version only)
Growlithe || Fire (Red version only)Bellsprout || Grass / Poison (Blue version only)
Nothing worthwhile here, so head west into the Celadon City.
There is a whole bunch of stuff we can do here. First go to the Pokemon Center and store one of your Pokemon for the time being. Take the path upwards that lies to the right of the building and loop around to the back of a building that is bordered by shrubs, you can enter from here. Go all the way up to the top floor. Inspect the ball on the table here and you will get a level 25 Eevee.
You can go around and enter the building from the front if you want to talk to some people, but no one has anything useful to tell you. If you go all the way to the northwest you will find the enormous department store, which has several nice things available.
The clerk on the right side of the counter on the second floor has the following TMs to sell you; 01 Mega Punch, 02 Razor Wind, 05 Mega Kick, 07 Horn Drill, 09 Take Down, 17 Submission, 32 Double Team, 33 Reflect, 37 Egg Bomb. The guy on the left just sells basic items.
The man on the third floor has nothing to sell you at all, but he will give you TM18 Counter for free which is even better! Well, better in the sense that it's free. I'll probably end up selling it to one of the other clerks.
Nothing has ever been more true.
The clerk on the fourth floor sells Poke Dolls, which give you a 100% chance of escaping from a wild Pokemon, as well as elemental stones. The fire stone can be used to evolve your Vulpix, Growlithe or Eevee. Thunder Stones are used on Pikachu and Eevee, and Water Stones are used on Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu and, again, Eevee. Leaf Stones are used on Gloom, Weepinbell or Exeggcute. At present I have a Growlithe, Pikachu and Eevee so I bought a Thunder, Fire, and Water stone.
On the fifth floor the clerk on the right sells vitamins which permanent increase stats (talk to the npcs on this floor to find out which one goes with which stat) and the guy on the guy sells in-battle items that temporarily increase stats.
Up on the roof, buy two Fresh Water, then one each Soda Pop and Lemonade. The girl on the left will give you one TM for each different drink, overall giving out TM13 Ice Beam, TM48 Rock Slide, and TM49 Tri Attack. I used the first two right away and was going to teach Dugtrio Tri Attack, but apparently it can't learn it. Which is rather lame. We're saving the other Fresh Water for a bit later.
In the middle of town is the game corner, but before we do anything there we have to go a bit more south and talk to this guy in the left-side building.
There's also this hidden item over to the right. You can either cut down the tree or just go down from the right-most building and loop around. However, from here you can cut down the tree for a shortcut to the game corner.
Several people in here will give you coins if you talk to them; the gentleman on the far right (20), the other man in the row beside him (20), and the guy in the second row from the left (10). There is also several spots that you can inspect for some invisible coins;
[10 coins] one step each up and right from the bottom left corner
[10 coins] the same horizontal "row" as above, take one step right from the row containing the man who talks about Erika
[10 coins] stand above where you found the previous coins and face left
[10 coins] stand in the chair below the woman in the leftmost row and face right
[10 coins] stand in the chair below the man in the rightmost row and face left
[10 coins] stand in the chair above the woman in the leftmost row and take one step right
[20 coins] stand in the chair below the woman in the third row from the left, face right
[20 coins] stand behind the man in the hat who have you 10 coins and face left
[100 coins] in the northeast, there is a row of what appear to be unusable machines, this is below the fifth one from the right
[10 coins] stand below the woman behind the counter, take one step left and face left
[20 coins] directly left of the first in the row of unusable machines
If you want to play around with the slots a bit I recommend saving before you set out, and saving again any time you win big so that you can reset if things don't go to your advantage. The building next door offers several Pokemon as prizes, all of which can be caught elsewhere except for the most expensive prize Porygon (9999 coins in Red, 6500 in Blue). They also offer TMs 15 Hyper Beam, 23 Dragon Rage, and 50 Substitute.
If you're going for the Porygon and you're not playing Blue version, you'd probably be better off waiting until the end of the game and running through the final challenge over and over to get money to just buy the coins.
The way to cycling road and Fuschia City is blocked off at the moment, but you can use Cut on a shrub here and loop around west to a house where this woman will give you HM02 Fly. This is a strong Flying-type move, and assuming you have a Pidgeotto, Fearow or Farfetch'd to teach it to, it would be very useful for the next gym battle. Outside of battle it will also let you transport instantly back to any city which you've visited.
The second last task on out list here is to go to the guardhouse east of the city and hand the officer that second Fresh Water you bought. You will now be able to pass through all the guard houses that you haven't been able to pass through up to this point in the game. Hooray! Nonetheless, we've got quite a bit to do still before Saffron City appears on the agenda, so head back to Celadon and make your way to the gym in the southwest corner of the city.
Celadon City Gym Challenge
If you started out with Charmander, this will finally give it a moment to shine. Erika's gym specializes in grass types which are weak to fire, as well as bug (which there aren't any decent moves for), flying and ice. You won't have any actual ice types at this point, but we did get the TM for Ice Beam and it can be learned by most water and normal type Pokemon. Be advised, it's not wise to use most water types in a gym full of Pokemon that know moves like Mega Drain and Razor Leaf - however Gyarados is an exception. It has flying as a secondary type, which removes that particular weakness.
Try to finish your opponents quickly, nearly all of them know at least one of the moves Stun Spore, Sleep Powder or Poison Powder. For the trainers, I will list them in the following order; lower left, lower right, above left, above right, inner left, inner middle-right, inner right, and then Erika who is the inner middle-left.
Lass || ¥345
Bellsprout Lv.23 || Grass / Poison || 414 exp
Weepinbell Lv.23 || Grass / Poison || 744 exp
Beauty || ¥1470
Oddish Lv.21 || Grass / Poison || 351 exp
Bellsprout Lv.21 || Grass / Poison || 378 exp
Oddish Lv.21 || Grass / Poison || 351 exp
Bellsprout Lv.21 || Grass / Poison || 378 exp
Beauty || ¥1680
Bellsprout Lv.24 || Grass / Poison || 432 exp
Oddish Lv.21 || Grass / Poison || 351 exp
Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥480
Bulbasaur Lv.24 || Grass / Poison || 328 exp
Ivysaur Lv.24 || Grass / Poison || 724 exp
Beauty || ¥1820
Exeggcute Lv.26 || Grass / Psychic || 546 exp
Cooltrainer♀ || ¥840
Weepinbell Lv.24 || Grass / Poison || 775 exp
Gloom Lv.24 || Grass / Poison || 678 exp
Ivysaur Lv.24 || Grass / Poison || 724 exp
Lass || ¥345
Oddish Lv.23 || Grass / Poison || 384 exp
Gloom Lv.23 || Grass / Poison || 649 exp
Gym Leader Erika || ¥2871
Victreebel Lv.29 || Grass / Poison || 1186 exp
Tangela Lv.24 || Grass || 853 exp
Vileplume Lv.29 || Grass / Poison || 1143 exp
With this badge, all Pokemon up to level 50 will obey you, and you can now use Strength outside of battle. She also gives you TM21 Mega Drain.
My Team
Murphy, Lv.27
Keith, Lv.28 (formerly Toby)
Annie, Lv.29
Sidnets, Lv.28 (formerly Sidney)
Geraldine, Lv.29
Mark, Lv. 28
Items Obtained
Max Ether
TM39 Swift
TM18 Counter
TM13 Ice Beam
TM48 Rock Slide
TM49 Tri Attack
Coin Case
280 coins
HM02 Fly
TM21 Mega Drain
Seen: 80
Own: 42
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