Karak Tilapia Challenge!

Karak, November 2012.

After last March's fun Tilapia outing at Tampin, N9. Me & buddies were again invited to do tilapia fishing cum BBQ session at one of the private farms in Karak. We arrived at about 2:30pm & the first thing that greeted us there was a heavy down pour. We didn't do any fishing till 4pm. Although most people would say farm fishing is easy. Like any form of fishing, it also depends heavily on the weather & water conditions. There were 6 anglers, all experienced fisherman but surprisingly, we only manage to bring in about 30 Tilapia after some 3 hours of fishing. Generally, the fishes were very cautious with their feeding. Although we manage to work them into a feeding frenzy by frequently tossing out bowls of pellets into the immediate fishing area, the fishes were smart enough to avoid pellets rigged to hooks!
Purpose built fishing shed complete with roof & seats!
With rod, have fish. It would be easy they say!

Hard working fishermen even though it was a public holiday

Our BBQ shed right next to the tilapia pond

The fishes were finally biting, I gotcha!!!

Some of the larger specimens of 1kg+ were harvested while smaller ones we released

Tilapia BBQ

Barbecued tilapia, taste excellent

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