Kirby's Adventure (Part VI)

So, my sister's computer decided to restart itself while I had the emulator open (because I have a habit of not closing it when I'm done playing) and I couldn't remember if I had saved or not. I had.

Yay thinking ahead! Take that, technology trying to ruin my life!

Right, so level four.

Stage One

Right, so you'll go on through a couple cloudy areas that are pretty straightforward, and then you will come to a night-time area. This has two UFO enemies, but they will all try to slam into you and blow themselves up. So you'll have to be quick if you want the power.

Next you'll come to an area filled with sand blocks. You'll also find some round green enemies bouncing around, these give you the fairly useless "ball" power.

See off to the side where there are three sand blocks in a row? No empty space like everywhere else? This is a hidden doorway. And I mean hidden, if you destroy the blocks there will be NO visual difference between this spot and the rest of the background. Head inside and press down the switch to reveal a crane minigame. Head back through the door.

I'm alright with that, I guess.

Stage Two

The doorway is kind of in the bottle-middle of this area, but you will have to circle around on the upper level and approach from the right. Not too complicated, there's nowhere else to go.

Head through the door in the next area, and in the one that follows there are two doors - one covered by sand blocks that leads to a Maximum Tomato, and one right above it that leads onward.

The next area with the spikes has a soda bottle on the upper level, but since there was a tomato just before there's no real point getting it.

In the next part you'll face off against two Poppy Bros. Sr. which isn't as hard as it sounds. If you stand in the middle, you can inhale both their bombs at the same time, even while one is behind you. Once they're both gone the door will appear to take you out of the level.

I was a little late on the screen cap, but I got a 1up.

Another quick draw minigame gets revealed here.

Yeah, I can't beat Dedede here. He's too quick. D:

Stage Three

So you'll have to be in the cannon by the time the spark reaches the end of the fuse, which shoooouldn't be a problem this time around.

The next area is super windy. If you go along the bottom you'll find three doorways - the one furthest to the left contains only a Maximum Tomato. The one in the middle is the way forward, and the one furthest to the right has another switch, so make sure to press that before going on.

The next two areas are fairly simple, though the first has a somewhat easy to miss soda bottle on an upper ledge (by the bomb enemy). After climbing some cloud stairs, you'll be done with this stage.

And, that's all for now!

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