Big Carp Fishing Bait Tricks Using Worms and Natural Attractors!

Fish over forty pounds and more are caught on worm baits of various kinds; so to exploit something a little different read on now and reap big rewards!
I caught my first ever carp around 1975 - on a worm for bait. Things in my carp fishing have changed very much since that time but worm baits of various kinds just keep catching. Being in horticulture it has been easy to get hold of enough worms to make homemade boilies and ground baits based on them. I have over the decades confirmed that some worms and worm products are far superior to others!
Unfortunately due to rising costs, the lobworm extracts often available today are synthetically-based and so are missing all those stimulatory amino acids in the profiles and ratios that carp love so much in lobworms. (Do check with your supplier if this is the case!) Most usually in reality these additives are composed of synthetic flavours, taste enhancers such as ribonucleotides and amino acids complexes etc, which despite trying; do not replicate the ideal palatability of the genuine natural product!

In terms of carp, in over 30 years pf carp fishing I have not found any worms as successful and appealing as lobworms; despite trying lots of other species found in the UK as well as and other imported ones (plus foreign ones farmed intensively in the UK.)
Some carp anglers consider that float fishing with a lobworm is not a big fish method but the truth is the opposite! In summer and winter this is a brilliant method and requires all those good old skills of stealth and watercraft that any angler really deserving of a big fish will have developed usually through an apprenticeship in float fishing for smaller species.

In winter worm-based baits and ground baits can often catch you fish while other anglers blank around you. On many occasions I have hooked a bonus carp on a worm bait float-fished right under my rod tips while rods on main spots have not been fishing at that time of day.
Many carp anglers seem to shun methods that risk catching species other than carp and some carp anglers even have some kind of warped abhorrence for other species which is pretty closed-minded in many ways. These other species will always teach you lots of invaluable lessons! For example, catching them provides information about the links between seasonal conditions and spots in swims, natural food items and weed developments, undercurrents and fly hatches occurring and how and where fish are feeding and their dynamics with each other and carp, and so on.

If you know how to use your gear to indicate this and know what you are looking for they can even indicate to you pretty much where carp will be feeding or not. The presence of crucian carp, tench, roach, and bream and so on can even be exploited to pull in the carp and can be utilised to clear spots in silt, over gravel and in weed etc to prepare new clean feeding areas for carp.
At times I have fished the first session on new waters with lobworms on a rig alongside my homemade boilies or homemade pellets and pastes. The live aspect of a bait is a dimension that carp certainly get fooled by! Also, having fished predominantly for a period of 5 years for big catfish in the recent past, I discovered loads of ways to exploit natural baits along with my homemade baits which just happened to occasionally hook big carp as well as big catfish.

This lead me more into using natural baits alongside boilies on my rigs at least on a third rod and it can pay off on many days those carp need something a little bit alternative to fool them. Although worm meal is expensive the bloodworm products available today are obviously another well-proven option. The higher the level of this extract you include in your baits the better!
Personally I often make my homemade boilies with no liquid eggs at all so I can get at least 150 millilitres per kilogram of dry mix of pure natural extracts into my baits. I hope this level makes you think about its implications, impacts and dynamics in regards to the responses of the fish to baits when in solution! (For more information, see my website and biography right now!)
By Tim Richardson.
Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: "BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!" "BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!" And "BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!" For these and much more now visit: the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles!

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