Best Homemade and Natural Trout Fishing Bait

Trout have a wide variety of natural bait that they prey on and there is also some good homemade bait as well. There are several types of insects that trout love. By taking the time to study the natural prey in the area in which you plan to fish can bring you a great deal more luck with your trout fishing outing than those of your artificial fly fishing buddies. Knowing what trout feed on in the area you plan to fish puts you ahead in the game. The old style trout fishing homemade baits work pretty well to, but I have better luck with it on when I do tie line fishing.
Some types of natural baits are grasshoppers, may flies, nymphs, crayfish, crickets, minnows, and nightcrawlers. These are all terrific baits to use. The advantages of these baits is that, say in murky waters there smell alone will attract trout. They are just what trout know and love to eat, that's the importance of knowing what the natural prey is for trout in your area of fishing.

Nymphs are the larva that hatches from eggs that the flies lay in the water. During the spring when the when the creeks and streams are teaming with different types of insects all flying over the top of the water, this is the perfect time to try fishing with nymphs. Cast out and let the nymph roll along the bottom of the creek bed for little while and watch what happens. I have caught plenty of trout while fishing in just this manner.

Nightcrawlers are another perfect bait to use. They are usually easy to find and plenty of them. The weight of the nightcrawler is also perfect for casting some other types of worms are just to small to cast with without adding weight to your line. I find that fishing with night crawlers to be a an ideal trout fishing bait.
Homemade baits seem to work better when tie line fishing. It allows the smell of the bait time to travel through the water and gives the trout time to hunt it down instead of you hunting the trout down. But it takes the fun out of the fishing as far as being able to fight the fish on a reel and rod. The type of homemade bait that I prefer is a mixture of corn and cheese rolled up into a small ball and placed on the hook.
Whichever bait you decide to use I wish you the best of luck, there is no better fishing in the world to me than trout fishing. So get out there and bring home dinner and please only keep what you plan to eat and release the rest, thanks.
My name is Phillip Wayne and I am a trout fishing expert. I have dedicated my life to understanding and catching trout. For more information on Trout Fishing Bait, or feel free to visit my website at

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