Final Fantasy II: Dawn of Souls (Part 8)

You will likely notice fairly quickly that the world has become more dangerous now that we have obtained the Ultima Tome. The enemies you find in dungeons will be the same, but on the overworld map, most monsters have been replaced by stronger foes.

Talk to Hilda to learn the keyword Cyclone though she won't tell you much about it or give you any direction for what to do next unless you ask her about Wyverns. Go down to the castle's first floor and take the stairs in the bottom-left corner all the way up to the top floor. Go north and enter a room with a giant mirror and use the pendant on it.

Go to Paul's house in town and ask him about it and he'll tell you about a secret room in his house, enter it to find a Black Garb, Thief's Gloves, an Elixir, a Silver Cuirass, a Ruby Cuirass, a Gold Cuirass, a Gold Hairpin and the Blood Sword. Exit Flynn now and go north to the cyclone. As soon as you touch it you will be taken inside. If you want to be able to leave again before you complete the dungeon, make sure one of your party members knows Teleport.

Once you enter the cyclone, make your way around the first floor and go up the first set of stairs you encounter. Go up and get the Ripper dagger from the chest then go down and around to another set of stairs. Go up and then follow this floor around (parts of the floor here will damage you but it's unavoidable) and get the Poison Axe. Return to the first floor and go left to the other stairs, go up two floors. On the next floor go up the first set of stairs you see and then go left for the Diamond Gloves and go right for a Diamond Helm. Return to the previous floor.

Continue around and you will see two more sets of stairs, take the left one and follow the path (avoid the damaging floor as it's a dead end) and open the chest for the Defender and go down and left for a Diamond Armor which is protected by two Generals. Go back to the previous floor then take the other stairs up, then go up another floor. Go right here and open the chest for a Wind Flute protected by a Green Dragon (weak to lightning). Go up to the next floor.

As you approach the Emperor you will have to fight three Royal Guards, then two. The Emperor will be accompanied by another two, plus a Wood Golem but as you can see his stats are rather pathetic. I had the battle over with in three turns using Fire on the Golem then Scourge on the Emperor. and taking care of the Guards with my physical attackers.

Everyone starts to celebrate the Emperor's defeat, but it turns out the Dark Knight Leon has taken the Emperor's throne already. If you don't remember, Leon is Maria's brother who has been "missing" since Firion, Maria and Guy woke up in Altair at the beginning of the game. Turn out he's been working with the enemy the whole time, how awkward.

Talk to Hilda to learn the new keyword Palamecia and then ask either Leila or Gordon about it to have them tell you to talk to Paul in town. Go to his house, but talk to Cid first who has shown up out of nowhere, then ask Paul about Palamecia afterward to be given your directions. You will have to travel to Paloom to get the airship, but once you have it you can travel to pretty much anywhere on the map at rapid speeds without having any enemy encounters - what a blessing! Use the inn in Flynn if you want, then fly to Palamecia and land on the very top of the castle.

Follow the linear path to an empty room where you will fall through a trap door to the first floor. Go down and get the Diamond Cuirass then go back up and go right ignoring the first downward path and taking the one at the end. Go up the first set of stairs you see and follow the path to an Hourglass then go back. Continue down and go all the way left to a Garlic then backtrack and take the path upward to another set of stairs.

Go right and then down for an Ether then go all the way up for a Buckler then from here it's a linear path to the next stairs. On the next floor go up and follow the left path to a Thunder Spear protected by an Imperial Shadow then go back and take the right path to the stairs. On the next floor take the first path down and get the Saint's Spirit then go up and all the way left for a Sleepgrass. Go back and go up and all the way along the left path to find a room with a Healing Staff, a Mage's Staff, and a Wizard's Staff. Go back and go right to the stairs.

Go left and up the stairs, then go down and get the Sun Blade protected by a Lamia Queen and some Coeurl. Go around and up to the next floor. Go left and down and enter the room to get three Elixirs. Go out and go back down two floors. On this floor go all the way down and follow the path left and up to the stairs. Follow the path here around to the next stairs and again on the next floor. On the top floor, follow the path all the way left and up to get a Hellfire and a Wind Flute then go to the throne room in the middle of the floor. There's no boss battle here, so I'll continue in the next part.

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