May 3, 2017 – Fooling a Couple on Windy, Sunny, Chilly Day – Valley Creek

A glassy trib that held dozens of last year's parr.

About three hours into grading papers at home, my internal Fish-Bit went off, so I grabbed my 3 weight rod and my pack and headed to Valley for a few stolen moments before I had to do the bus stop routine.  I picked a heck of a day to wet wade for the first time this year!  It was windy and maybe 60 degrees, and the water is always cold at Valley, but my thinking was that I was not going to be wading as much as I would be hiding in the bushes, kneeling.  Plus, I thought it was warmer; I have gotten used to 70 and 80 degree days being the norm this spring, like many of us, I suppose.  The woods around the park are getting rather verdant already, and the fish are always gorgeous even if many of them are small, often the most cooperative ones, too.... 

Had some action on the scud in a couple deep holes.

The creek was typically Valley low, but I was happy to see some color to the water, which would hide me at least a little.  I was rigged up with a dry dropper, but at midday, I only put down one riser with a limb-wrapping back cast (just one more foot, one more inch… oops…).  The slight stain allowed me to nymph two small wild browns out of a pair of deep holes, and I swung and missed on another and dropped one after a short fight.  By the time I had to leave for home, I had fished and hiked about 90 minutes, and I had three nice photos to show for it. I would say it was worth the short trip.  The highlight was seeing a healthy population of what were likely last year's brood stacked up in a little tributary.  Keep eating and thriving, boys and girls.

American Beauty homage??

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