House Congratulates PA National Guard For Army Environmental Sustainability Award

The House voted unanimously Wednesday to congratulate the Pennsylvania National Guard in winning the first Sustainability Team in the 2016 Army National Guard Environmental Awards Contest by unanimously adopting House Resolution 84 (Ryan-R-Lebanon).
Fort Indiantown Gap [Lebanon County] is committed to compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws, and strives to improve relationships with environmental regulators and the community,” said Rep. Francis Ryan. “They commit to pollution prevention, minimizes waste generation through the efficient use of materials, effective inventory management, and careful planning.”
The text of the resolution follows--
Congratulating the Pennsylvania National Guard's environmental office on winning first place in the Sustainability Team in the 2016 Army National Guard Environmental Awards contest and expressing appreciation to the Pennsylvania National Guard and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs for their environmental stewardship efforts.
WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania National Guard's environmental office, staffed by both Pennsylvania National Guard members and Department of Military and Veterans Affairs civilians won first place in the Sustainability Team in the 2016 Army National Guard Environmental Awards contest; and
WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania National Guard and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs continuously strives to improve environmental stewardship efforts while training for and performing their Federal and State missions; and
WHEREAS, The Bureau of Environmental Management is dedicated to environmental excellence in supporting the missions of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Pennsylvania National Guard; and
WHEREAS, Fort Indiantown Gap is committed to compliance with all Federal, State and local environmental laws and strives to improve relationships with environmental regulators and the community; and
WHEREAS, Whether it is soldiers preparing for overseas deployments and state emergencies or focusing on natural resource management and pollution control, the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs considers the protection of the environment as a priority; and
WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania National Guard was able to recycle more than 150,000 pounds of batteries as well as more than 225,000 pounds of brass. These initiatives helped both the environment as well as providing nearly $450,000 in revenue or saved disposal costs; and
WHEREAS, The Sustainability Team is constantly searching for ways to minimize waste disposal and to expand waste diversion, which benefits both the environment and the military; and
WHEREAS, Environmental protection sustains valuable training areas, fosters community goodwill and prevents unnecessary expenses; and
WHEREAS, Fort Indiantown Gap is committed to pollution prevention and minimizing waste generation, especially hazardous waste, through the efficient use of materials, effective inventory management and careful planning; and
WHEREAS, Fort Indiantown Gap has established a collaborative and productive working relationship with the Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation and Capital Region Water for an easement of 8,200 acres of land that serves as a nature conservancy and a key flight training route, thus protecting the critical main water source for the City of Harrisburg; and
WHEREAS, Fort Indiantown Gap invites the public to tour Regal Fritillary Butterfly habitats in areas normally closed to the public to educate citizens on how the installation balances the conservation efforts for this species with concern for military training; and
WHEREAS, The Bureau of Environmental Management handles issues ranging from endangered species to cultural resources to hazardous waste; and
WHEREAS, The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs commits to continuously improving environmental performance in concert with enhanced mission readiness, considers potential environmental impacts of operational activities and individual duties and minimizes impacts to the natural environment whenever possible; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives congratulate the Pennsylvania National Guard's environmental office on winning first place in the Sustainability Team in the 2016 Army National Guard Environmental Awards contest; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives express appreciation to the Pennsylvania National Guard and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs for their environmental stewardship efforts.

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