A half a dozen does miffed at me tramping through the woods to the creek. |
Following a long, busy Sunday that started early, I was falling asleep on the couch around 5:30 PM. Instead of succumbing to the nap, I decided to take a walk in the woods down the street, and bring along the fly rod, of course. It was about 6 PM before I was suited up and pushing deer out of the field across the street, and it got dark quickly, but I managed a rainbow and a smallmouth on midges in the short time I was down there.
Pressured fish will still take a midge... |
The rainbow took a size 20 flashy hare’s ear, which I later lost in a low light back cast, and the bass took a red brassie. I caught the bass fishing to rises in a flat pool, hoping they were trout. The water is clearing up, but I think the place has been pressured due to the great weather and water conditions because I did not see much life in the creek.
Where he should have been. |
I dug around my pack looking for a streamer around dusk, only to realize that I had brought the steamer box with the boy and me when we headed to NEPA on Saturday. It was still in my other pack. Instead of re-rigging, I fished an indicator until it was too dark to see. I missed only one other hit in a very deep hole, but I was happy to catch a couple fish and get in a good walk on a mild Sunday evening. The pleasure of a nap would have paled in comparison, I would like to believe.
At least these guys are rising to insect life. |
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