We Finally Moved In!!!!

It’s good to be back with you guys after a four month break. Cathey and I moved into our new home, three weeks ago, and we finally have everything in place inside the house. We completed all the landscaping in the front and sides of the house a couple of days ago but still have a lot more landscaping ahead of us. The back is still a work in progress while we wait for rain to pack the fill dirt so the fence post will whole must better. The lot that the house is built on is backed up against property owned by General Motors and will never be developed. We see deer and turkey daily in the woods behind the house. 

We lived upstairs with our daughter’s family for 16 weeks while we were in the building process. Between constructing our house and painting all the rooms in our daughter’s house gave little time for fishing. I did make a couple of trips to the Caney Fork that I will report on later, but no fishing from the boat was possible, too hot and too busy everyday. Tennesseehas some fantastic small lakes near home and of course the Caney is close as well; spring can’t get here faster enough for me!!!


Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving Day       

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