Nothing beats a good dog for pheasant hunting
Nothing beats a good dog for pheasant hunting
By Tyler Frantz
Pheasants may be a non-native, imported game bird species, but one glance at their vibrant coloration proves them a dead match for the Keystone state’s fall foliage. It’s almost as if they were made for the fields and brush patches of Pennsylvania.

Sired by a Springer spaniel and born to an English setter, Cali (short for Caliber) was the runt of the litter. Six years ago, my wife and I fell in love with her, and she became the first of her littermates to find a new home.
After some basic obedience training, gunfire steadying and several days of yard-work spent finding and retrieving planted bird wings, Cali grew into a fine hunting companion and housedog. She has proven herself worthy on grouse, chukar, woodcock and pheasants.
Recently, she reminded me of the pure heart and desire a dog can possess when following its natural hunting instincts. I took her out on a crazily crowded, drizzly opening day of the Pennsylvania pheasant season, and it was like reigniting a flame that had been kindled and anxiously waiting to burn since last season.

The second came near the end block of a hillside green-briar thicket, where her low-sweeping tail communicated that I’d better hustle closer and stay ready. As the brilliant bird erupted from the cover, I mounted and hit my mark, dropping it before it cleared the tree line. She sure was proud, and so was I.
After hunters approaching from the other direction forced us from the bird –heavy refuge of the thicket, we were forced to hunt the fields for any stragglers still remaining. In grass as high as my shoulders, my little dog hopped to and fro with nose ever probing.
Two hunters paralleling the field below us put up a bird, and I watched it tumble, but Cali only heard the shot, for the grass was too high for her to see anything beyond a few feet from her snout.

Hunting back toward the truck, she impressed me yet again as we came upon other dogs- one of which was retrieving his master’s pheasant. Despite the distractions, she remained poised and focused and heeded all of my commands.
On our final sweep of the dense pines adjacent to the parking lot, she busted out another cock bird, helping me complete my full bag limit for the day. Though she was eager to stay after it, I reluctantly had to lull her back to the truck for some water, a treat and a good thorough look-over.

My little bird-dog hunted hard and fearlessly- certainly much larger than one would expect from her petite frame and loving brown eyes. She slept for nearly two days straight after the hunt, but I can tell she has since recovered and is itching for more action.
Hunting is what she lives for. It’s what I live for too, so I guess together we make a great pair- just like colorful pheasants in the midst of Pennsylvania’s vibrant foliage. There’s nothing better than hunting over a good dog.
Changing pace…
Last Saturday, I filled my buck tag by making a tough 40-yard shot on an incredible 8-point archery buck. The tale of the hunt will be featured in an upcoming issue of Pennsylvania Game News magazine, likely sometime next year.

The video, titled “Natural Pursuit Outdoors- October Frost,” can be viewed online at or by visiting my website at www.naturalpursuitoutdoors.comand selecting the video tab.
Best of luck to everyone as we continue to enjoy all that fall has to offer!
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