Quality Rainbow Landed On the Sipsey

I know all of us who fly fish have had days when you ask yourself, could it get any better than today? Well a couple of Wednesdays back I kept asking myself that very question. Me and one other fisherman were in the gouge that day fishing in 50 degree water with a gusting wind from the north at 10 to 15 mph. Lucky for me the wind was blowing with the current making a drift much easier. I had 2 ½ hours to complete my mission today and I wanted to make the most of the trip. So I made a bee line for one of my favorite holes that always seem to whole good rainbow. Little did I know that today those good rainbows would be some of the best trout that I’ve ever landed on the Sipsey. Numerous trout were taken today using the beadhead nymph.
Some weeks ago I landed a number of trout with damaged gill plates; this trout today had a red nick on its outer gill plate.

The videos below sums up the action for the afternoon; trout taken about every 10 to 15 minutes. I started the trip without my Contour Video camera, but the action was so good, I decided to walk by to the truck and get it. I lost a good 20 minutes of fishing time, but I made up for it after I got back to the gorge and started landing rainbow again.
Sorry the sound didn’t record for this video, don’t know why---I added some music that I thought might compliment the action of this trout.
This video is a little long because it took me quite a while to land this rainbow. I was using a 6X tippet in the super clear water. This fish is one of the best I’ve ever landed on the Sipsey. One will land more trout here if they use a lighter tippet. Hope you guys enjoy!

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