PA Trout Unlimited: Tell Your Legislators To Let DEP Drilling Regs Move Forward: Click Here

PA Council of Trout Unlimited is urging members of the public who care about clean water and the environment to contact their state House and state Senate member to support DEP’s Chapter 78 and 78a drilling regulations and vote against efforts to kill them.
Click Here to send your message now.
Background From PA Trout
“More than four years ago, Pennsylvania's General Assembly passed a comprehensive bill that required the development of new regulations to provide long-overdue environmental protections and performance standards at oil and gas well sites.
“Since then, the Department of Environmental Protection has worked diligently to engage the public, industry and conservation organizations in developing new oil and gas rules, holding two separate public comment periods, 12 public hearings, and dozens of meetings with stakeholders.
“The new regulations update Pennsylvania's oil and gas regulations for the first time in many years and increase stream protections by: prohibiting the use of pits to store shale gas drill cuttings and waste fluids and requiring secondary containment around all storage tanks and trucks and drill rigs; requiring pipeline companies to employ pollution prevention plans when performing horizontal directional drilling under streams; requiring shale gas operators to obtain a water management plan before they withdraw water for hydraulic fracturing; prohibiting the use of shale gas wastewater on roads for dust suppression and de-icing; and improving waste tracking and reporting requirements.
“On April 21, the Independent Regulatory Review Commission approved the new oil and gas regulations-one of the key final steps in Pennsylvania's complex regulatory process.  
“Now, the Pennsylvania General Assembly is trying to overturn the very rules they called for more than four years ago.
“Soon, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is likely to vote on a House/Senate concurrent resolution disapproving DEP's final oil and gas regulations and barring implementation of the rules.
“The Pennsylvania Senate is also expected to act on the Resolution or take up Senate Bill 1011, which would have the same effect.  
“This misguided step would undermine Pennsylvania's regulatory review process, ignore public input, and unnecessarily continue to put the Commonwealth's streams, fish and wildlife at risk from potential harm.
“Tell your legislators today to protect Pennsylvania's streams and oppose any resolution or bill that would overturn or delay implementation of the new oil and gas regulations.”
Click Here to send your message now.  The PA Trout system will automatically find your House and Senate member based on your address.

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