PA Chapter National Assn. Of Water Companies Honors Rep. Maher

The National Association of Water Companies- PA Chapter Tuesday  recognized Rep. John A. Maher (R-Allegheny), Majority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, with its James McGirr Kelly Award for Excellence.
The organization honored Rep. Maher during its awards luncheon at the NAWC Annual Meeting in the Commonwealth Keystone Building in Harrisburg.
(Photo: PA American Water President Kathy L. Pape; Rep. Maher; York Water Company President Jeffrey R. Hines; and SUEZ Water Pennsylvania President John D. Hollenbach.)
The James McGirr Kelly Award for Excellence is the highest honor bestowed by NAWC. The industry association presents the award each year to a resident of Pennsylvania who most exemplifies dedication to promoting the availability of safe drinking water in the Commonwealth.
“This award reflects our industry’s sincere gratitude to Representative Maher for his years of dedicated public service and advocacy for policies that promote a healthy environment and reinvestment in infrastructure to ensure safe and reliable water and wastewater service for all Pennsylvanians,” said NAWC Pennsylvania Chapter Chairman David Kaufman.
Rep. Maher was a key supporter of Act 11 of 2012, which gives the Public Utility Commission the authority to allow utilities to recover the capital costs associated with investment in infrastructure in a timely manner.
In addition, Rep. Maher is the prime sponsor of House Bill 1737 -- providing for safe pharmaceutical disposal -- which allows expired or unwanted prescription drugs generated by households and collected as part of a registered collection event to be destroyed.
“Failures in Flint, Michigan, and elsewhere are in stark contrast with the amazing records of Pennsylvania's water companies,” said Rep. Maher. “Pennsylvanians can take safe tap water for granted precisely because thousands working for water utilities never do!”
Past award winners include: 2014 Rep. Robert Godshall, 2013 Erik A. Ross, long-time advocate for the Association, 2012 former DEP Executive Secretary John Hines, 2011 John Hanger, DEP Secretary, 2010 former PUC Commissioner Kim Pizzingrilli, 2009 Rep. Bud George, 2008 Rick Rogers, U.S. EPA Region 3, 2007 Paul K. Marchetti, 2005 Rep. Carole Rubley, 2004 Terrance J. Fitzpatrick, former Chair PUC, 2003 Fredrick A. Marrocco, DEP, 2002 David E. Hess, DEP Secretary, 2001 John M. Quain, former Chair PUC, 2000 Sen. Raphael J. Musto, 1999 Walter A. Lyon, 1998 Michael D. Klein, 1997 David A. Long, PhD, 1996 Gov. Tom Ridge, 1995 Sen. David J. Brightbill, 1994 Wendell F. Holland, 1993 William R. Shane, 1992 William R. Lloyd, 1991 Edith D. Stevens, 1990 Dr. Ruth Patrick, 1989 Gov. Robert P. Casey, 1988 Sen. D. Michael Fisher, 1987 George I. Bloom, 1986 Clifford L. Jones, DER Secretary, 1985 Dr. Maurice K. Goddard, DER Secretary, and in 1984 Gov. Dick Thornburgh.
The NAWC Annual Meeting coincides with “Drinking Water Week” in Pennsylvania and featured presentations by Public Utility Commission Chairman Andrew Place; Dana Aunkst, deputy secretary for Water Programs at the Department of Environmental Protection; Dr. Mark W. LeChevallier, director of Innovation & Environmental Stewardship at American Water; and an executive forum featuring utility executives from the NAWC.
For more information, visit the National Association of Water Companies- PA Chapter webpage.

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