Southmoreland High School Wins Westmoreland County Envirothon

Southmoreland High School Team One took first place Monday in the Envirothon organized by the Westmoreland County Conservation District.
The Envirothon is an academic competition in which students test their knowledge of the natural world.  This special event has been hosted by the Westmoreland County Conservation District since 1986.  
(Photo: Southmoreland High School Team One: Haley Rollinson, Alex Busato, Brendan Hixon, Jenna Hixon (advisor), Mady Bodenheimer, Mackenzie Blair.)
Southmoreland bested a field of 75 students from seven Westmoreland County high schools in their knowledge of forestry, soil and land use, aquatic ecology, wildlife, and this year’s current environmental issue: invasive species.  Some high schools had more than one student team competing.
Teams of 9th through 12th grade students competed in outdoor settings that test their knowledge of the natural world.
During the hands-on competition, students were asked to identify a bird call, measure a tree, or feel handfuls of soil to identify the type.
The student team from Yough Senior High School netted second place and Norwin High School Team One placed third in the hands-on competition, hosted by the Westmoreland Conservation District.
The first-place Southmoreland Team One will go on to compete in the state Envirothon competition at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove and Camp Mt. Luther in Mifflinburg on May 24 and 25.
This year’s Westmoreland County Envirothon received funding support from the Pennsylvania Envirothon, Inc., Apex Energy, LLC, and Smithfield.
For more information on programs, initiatives, training and other special events, visit the Westmoreland County Conservation District website.  Click Here to sign up for the District’s newsletter (bottom of right column on homepage).
For information on the State Envirothon, visit the PA Envirothon website.  Click Here to sign up for the PA Envirothon newsletter (bottom of the page).
Related Story:
PA Envirothon Set For May 24-25 At Susquehanna University, Camp Mount Luther

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