PUC Hears Comments On Alternative Utility Ratemaking Methods

The Public Utility Commission Thursday hosted a Harrisburg hearing to gather information from a diverse group of experts regarding alternative ratemaking methodologies, as part of ongoing discussions about how to best maintain safe and reliable energy infrastructure while also encouraging utilities to push forward with more aggressive energy efficiency and conservation programs.
The panels involved in the hearing reflected perspectives from experts in alternative ratemaking, energy efficiency, consumer organizations, industrial customers and utilities.
The hearing focused on several issues concerning alternative rate design, including:
-- Whether revenue decoupling or other similar rate mechanisms encourage utilities to better implement energy efficiency and conservation programs;
-- Whether such rate mechanisms are just and reasonable and in the public interest; and
-- Whether the benefits of implementing such rate mechanisms outweigh any costs associated with implementing the rate mechanisms.
In addition to the testimony accepted at the hearing, the Commission also will review written comments regarding alternative ratemaking, which must be received no later than March 16.
The Commissioners thanked those who testified, along with those parties who plan to submit additional comments and testimony, as the PUC continues to explore this issue.
All documents related to the hearing, including the testimony and presentations submitted by the witnesses who testified and a video of the hearing are available on the Commission’s Alternative Ratemaking Methodologies webpage.

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