Citizens Advisory Council To Hear Presentation On Proposed DEP Budget March 15

DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council will hear a presentation on the proposed FY 2016-17 DEP budget by John Stefanko, Executive Deputy Secretary for Programs, as part of its meeting on March 15.
Also on the agenda are presentations on DEP’s Methane Reduction Strategy covering the oil and gas industry, DEP Comments on EPA’s Proposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and the recommendations included in the final Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Report.
DEP also provided Council with its regular monthly written report on significant actions and accomplishments in the agency.
In the report, DEP said a recent update provided to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on its Nonpoint Source Pollution Reduction Program showed--
— Over 1.4 million pounds of nitrogen load reduced this year from the implementation of reported best management practices installed under federal and state conservation programs in PA (over 93,000 pounds of phosphorus and 4,500 tons of sediment);
— Over 17 million pounds of iron load reduced this year from the implementation of tracked AMD remediation projects in PA (over 3.2 million pounds of aluminum and 22 million pounds of acidity);
— Over 400 acres of new riparian forest buffers were created this year;
— Over 64 billion gallons of AMD water were treated using AMD passive and active systems over the year;
— A description of the significant work being accomplished through the county conservation districts watershed specialist program, including, from July 1, 2014, through December 31, 2015--
— Stream improvement Best Management Practices (BMPs) were implemented on over six percent of PA’s stream miles;
— 44 acres of wetlands were constructed or enhanced;
— 265 watershed associations were supported and overseen;
— 381 buffer acres (291 non-CREP and 90 CREP) were constructed;
— 18,573 trout were released;
— $39.1 million in grant funds were awarded to CDWS for environmental projects;
— $1.75 million in matching funds contributed by Conservation Districts;
— 1,462 rain barrels installed collecting an estimated 80,410 gallons of stormwater;
— 36,029 trees, shrubs, and live stakes planted; and
— 337 tons of trash removed from streams and lakes.
Over this same timeframe, the watershed specialists accomplished the following activities specifically in the Chesapeake Bay watershed:
— 31 acres of wetlands constructed or enhanced;
— 304 buffer acres constructed (75 CREP and 229 non-CREP);
— 13,944 trout released into tributaries to the Bay;
— 1,095 rain barrels collecting an estimated 60,225 gallons of stormwater;
— 77 rain gardens constructed; and
— 34,076 trees, live stakes, and shrubs planted.
The Council meeting will be held in Room 105 Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg starting at 10:00 a.m.  Click Here to watch the CAC meeting online.
The CAC’s next scheduled meeting is April 19.
For more information, visit DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council webpage or contact Katie Hetherington Cunfer, Citizens Advisory Council, P. O. Box 8459, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8459, call 717-705-2693 or send email to:  

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