The Definitive Guide to Oracle FDMEE (By Tony Scalese)

Hey folks!

I would like to use today's entry to promote the very first FDMEE book. I didn't have the opportunity to read it yet (I'm still waiting for my copy) but I'm sure it's going to be a top reference in the same way his author is.

I must say that when I started to learn FDM (some time ago...) I used Tony's presentations as a reference, the perfect starting point to start exploring what that product could provide in order to design multiple solutions which met all kind of requirements I had. I could feel that he was a pure Hyperion ISA (Integration Solution Architect), and that was what I wanted to be. Last year I was co-presenting with him at KScope15 (Miami) and this year he will be co-presenting with me at Chicago :-)

Regarding books, some time ago I was asked to write one but I didn't have a clear idea about how to start and how to approach that challenge (maybe I can have better idea now hehehe)

I can image that writing a book is not an easy task as you never know where to stop when communicating what you want people to read. For this reason, I would like to personally thank Tony for being the first :-)

You can see all details at p8tech site.


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