First Trout For 2016

Finally I get to fish the Sipsey again; December the 15th.  2015 was my last trip. We had 2” of rain in Jasper Monday and I figured that the generators would be running full blast all week. Wow, was I surprised when I checked the generating schedule Wednesday. Thursday and Friday would be free of generation. I picked Friday, 70 degrees a little overcast and a slight wind would hopefully trigger some activity for me.
Apparently everyone else thought Friday was the day too; didn’t make me no never mind, I was going to fish!!

I was anxious to try out my new Prestige Plus fly line from Cabalas. I also want to see how effective the furled leader works fishing it on a downstream retrieve. I’ve never fished this type leader, and understand from information I’ve read it really enhances a dry flies drift. I was ready to accept the fact that I would be changing leaders to fish the nymph and dry throughout the afternoon. I won’t complain if it improves my catch ratio.

Nymphs are my go to pattern on the Sip, so the nymph was tied on and I was off to access 5. All the heavy rains had changed the color of the water to an aqua green.

Numerous stockers were brought to hand this afternoon using my 9 ft. 3 weight StreamFlex which made me think at times I was landing 12” trout. I talk to one guy who was landing the stockers using a 6 weight----way OVERKILL!!
A guide trip in progress right below me, four fly fishermen above me and more on up the gorge; plenty of company.
This fatty put up quite a fight before I finally netted it. I thought I was going to lose this fish, because I kept thinking my 6X was going to break with each hard run it would make. 
Unusual markings on this little guy---I am wondering if this is a rainbow, what do you guys think??
The only downer for this trip were the coils I kept experiencing all afternoon forming at my feet; I am going to assume I spooled the line on wrong. I kept hoping I would get a chance to try out my new furled leader but no surface activity was present the entire afternoon. I was told by one guy that the hatch occurred early morning, so guess when I will be back? --------as if I needed a reason to come back!!!

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