Memorable 2015 Fishing Trips

This is the time of year I get to thinking of landing beautiful rainbow and browns on the Sipsey and Caney Fork. As stated in my last report it will be some time before that happens, because of high water on both tailraces. So all I have to satisfy the urge to cast to a live trout or bluegill is viewing some of my trips I made in 2015. This past year was my best on the Sipsey when it comes to landing quality rainbow. I think as each year passes I get more accustom to the tailrace and which patterns work at a particular time of the day and season. One of my best trips of 2015 was a trip where I felt I landed most all the quality trout I had lost the day before. I felt I really learned some things on this outing about position casting, patience, and how to really concentrate on the movement of the indictor, which in this case was a dry and a stick on indicator.
Back in early April of 2015 right before the spawn begin was one of my favorite trips going after some super size gills. The reason this trip really stands out in my mind was how hard I had to work to land some monster bluegills that were extremely weary of any boat activity anywhere near the super clear water where they were located. The numbers of huge bluegills I lost from break offs in brush and not getting a solid hook set was another reminder of this trip.
Bass fishing was somewhat limited for me in 2015, because I was so busy going after the big bluegill on Smith and the rainbow on the Sipsey. Of all the bass outings I had this past year one was really memorable because I was breaking in a new bass bug line and using some really big poppers to attract big spots on Smith.
  Looking for to 2016 for more fly fishing action!!!!


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