Bird count numbers slightly below average

Bird count numbers slightly below average

By Tyler Frantz

             Though it’s hard to remember after last weekend’s record-breaking snowfall, this winter previously had been milder than usual. Perhaps the fair weather had something to do with slightly below-average bird numbers identified in a recent ornithological field survey conducted in Lebanon County.

            Around Christmas each year, localized bird count coordinators select a specific date for field volunteers to go out and record bird sightings by species, tallying individual counts as well. Then, this important data is submitted to the National Audubon Society for statistical review.

            The project, known as the Christmas Bird Count, was initially created to bring awareness to declining bird populations more than a century ago, but has since become the longest running citizen science survey in the world. This year’s project included 1,218 count circles, which amassed a total of 32,625,758 birds counted.            

            Fritz Heilman, of the Quittapahilla Audubon Society, served as the official compiler for Lebanon County’s 36th Annual CBC as part of the National Audubon Society’s 116th consecutive count. Though his team noted a slight dip in numbers this year, the insight gained from the count serves a meaningful purpose.

            “The importance of this project would reside in the trends of bird populations that can be observed over an extended period of time – whether or not a particular species is decreasing, increasing or staying the same in terms of numbers,” Heilman explained. 

            Looking at the historical data, some bird species that have been increasing since 1980 include the Black Vulture, Cooper’s Hawk, Bald Eagle, Carolina Wren, Eastern Bluebird and Wild Turkey,” Heilman said.

            “The Ring-necked Pheasant is a decreasing species, and Evening Grosbeak has become a bird of the distant past. Seventy-two Grosbeaks were tallied in 1980, but within a few years, the number dropped to zero as their populations shifted farther north.”

            Each official count circle encompasses a 15-mile diameter area. The center axis of Lebanon County’s circle lies near the village of Bellegrove, extending west to Rt. 743 and east to Rt. 343. It’s southern end stretches across Rt. 322, while the northern boundary lies along Rt. 443, as it passes through the southern portion of Swatara State Park.

            This year’s QAS- sponsored counting event took place on Saturday, December 19th, and itconsisted of 35 participants in the field split among 11 expert-led counting parties, plus four feeder watchers compiling results from the comfort of their home.

            According to Heilman, the Lebanon County CBC experienced partly cloudy skies with wind gusts to 17 mph, a low temperature of 30-degrees and a high of 39-degrees Fahrenheit. It was noted that water was open and there was no snow cover.

             The total species count was 76 (the record is 83, recorded in 2007 & 2012 – with a prior ten year average of 78). The total individual count was 9,629 (the record is 30,684, recorded in 2008 – with a prior ten year average of 13,837).

            “We had only three species with counts reaching the highest total for the 36-year history of the Lebanon CBC. Those were 10 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, 118 American Robins, and two Peregrine Falcons. No new species were observed,” Heilman said.

            Canada Geese and American Crows were notably recorded in low numbers, while species unusual to the count (those seen just a few times over the 36-year history) included the Short-eared Owl and Peregrine Falcon- two of which were observed diving on Ravens near the Pennsy quarry.

            If it weren’t for Heilman and his QAS volunteers compiling this critical data each year, we’d likely have no clue about the long-term status of local bird populations. The information gained is essential to the Audubon Society’s long-term mission of preserving bird populations for future generations to study and enjoy.

            For more information about the local QAS chapter and all the great programs they offer, please visit

Lebanon CBC section leaders, (location within count circle) and species highlights:

Randy Miller (NW, nonrestricted) 41 species: 4 Bald Eagles; 2 Merlin; 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler

Dave McNaughton (NW, restricted- two sections) 41 species: 1 Northern Harrier; 3 Brown Creepers; 1 Golden Eagle

Gerry Boltz (NE) 34 species: 1 Red-headed Woodpecker; 5 Red-winged Blackbirds; 1 Purple Finch

Dennis Wingle (E) 31 species: 3 Mute Swans; 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet; 55 Cedar Waxwings

Rosemary Spreha (WC) 45 species: 3 Bald Eagles; 2 Northern Harriers; 1 Eastern Towhee

Chuck Berthoud (WC) 50 species: 1 Bald Eagle; 7 Brown Creepers; 1 Hermit Thrush

Jane Light (S) 27 species:  1 Sharp-shinned Hawk; 17 Horned Larks; 5 American Robins

Fritz Heilman (SC) 31 species: 2 Great-horned 0wls; 2 Pileated Woodpeckers; 12 Cedar Waxwings

Steve Rannels (W) 50 species:  2 Buffleheads; 5 American Kestrel; 4 Ruby-crowned Kinglets

Sue Cooper (2nd Mt. Hawk Watch) 16 species: 1 Bald Eagle; 5 Red-tailed Hawks; 2 Pileated Woodpeckers.

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!


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