Chasing Monsters Away

The best part of the holidays is getting together with family. Turkey day was spent with our daughter and her family. They were with us through Saturday and as always it was time well spent. After lunch Thursday my son-in-law B.T., Bryson and I spent the afternoon touring the shoreline of Beautiful Smith Lake.The fishing on the lake is slow at this time of the year because of the constant draw down of the lake. The lake level now is at 12 feet below full pool.

Friday Pops spent the afternoon with Bryson and Laelyn at two different parks located a few miles from our house. The grandchildren love going to the parks and just being outdoors, when they come to visit. 
Gamble Park is their favorite not because of the playground station; the live creek running through the park really gets the imagination going for a six and four year old. Feeding the small perch and chasing monsters from the creek by Bryson is more fun than playing a video game at home.
Picking up tiny pieces of fish food to throw in the moving water; the small perch would inhale it!!
This creek exploring just wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t get your shoes and pants wet; oh how Pops loves to go exploring with these guys!!!

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