It's a Republic, A Constitutional Republic
The Founders in deciding what form of government was to be established, made the decision by examining what type of governments were being used around the globe and those throughout history of civilization. At the time the predominant government type was the monarchy. England had established a monarchy like that of the classic Roman republic where there was one head of government with a body of representatives of the people; being a monarchy with a parliament instead of a senate. Later England would remove the monarchy with a prime minister that was chosen by vote by the people and parliament became more than just an advisory committee of a king or queen. But before that occurred, the American colonists, who wanted better, more direct, representation sent King George a Declaration of Independence in defiance to a monarchy that refused to listen to the people.
Those men who gathered on behalf of each of the thirteen colonies put together a continental congress that would be a temporary government that would be the government for the united colonies that had begun a revolution to procure freedom and independence from a monarchical tyrant 3,000 miles across the sea.Once that independence was established and the revolution was won, the Founders gathered together in Philadelphia to establish a government and a constitution that would bind the colonies-turned-states into one nation with a central government with certain rights for the individual state governments. The Founders concluded that while democracy had its merits, as well as a republic, neither form would last if the head of state would be a monarch. The government was formed with three branches: executive, legislative, and judiciary – all of which were separated, but act by regulations established as one central, federal government that required vote of representatives and senators of each state government by and for the People.
Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.
Democracy was created and established by the Greeks in the city-state of Athens in the 5thcentury BC that also included the surrounding territory of Attica. It was a direct democracy, where citizens voted directly on legislation and executive bills. The longest lasting and successful leader of the Athenian democracy was Pericles. After his death, democracy gave way to oligarchy and restored when the Peloponnesian War ended. After being restored it was modified by Eucleides. It eventually evolved into an imperialistdemocracy that had been established by evolving into a government ruled by the mob. In other words, leaders would gain power by promising if they voted for him he would provide them with benefits.
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
Churchill also stated:
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
Democracy is the road to socialism.
A Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, who became fascinated with the new type of government that the Americans had developed, wisely observed:
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
Indeed, this was the major reason why the republic, more specifically, a constitutional republic, was chosen as the type of government to be established for what our nation that became the United States.
John Adams, one of the primary founders of our nation, wrote:
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
Benjamin Franklin, another major character in the establishment of our nation, stated when asked what form of government did the Continental Congress of 1787 decide when leaving Independence Hall:
A Republic, if you can keep it.
Americans established by the early 1800s two political parties each organized by the establishment of a political party platform. The original political party system consisted of the Whig Party and the Second Party System was the Democratic Party, calling themselves Democrats. The first member of the Democratic Party was Andrew Jackson.
The Whig Party was transformed into the Republican Partyby the time Abraham Lincolncampaigned for office in 1860 and won the national election as President of the United States. The party was given the acronym nickname of “GOP” (Grand Old Party) and is one of the world's oldest political parties that still exists.
In the beginning, the major difference between the two parties was the Democratic Party based its platform on democracy, and the GOP based its platform upon the republic that was established by the Founders. Another major difference that led to a Civil War was the Democratic Party favored slavery, while Republicans did not. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Originally, the GOP was the anti-slavery party that consisted of northern White and African Americans (after an amendment certified their right to vote), businessmen, factory workers, and northern farmers; while the Democrats were predominantly in the South, pro-slavery and agricultural folks of that region.
After the Restoration period after the Civil War and again after Civil Rights movement took hold, the GOP expanded throughout the South as socially conservative. By then the two-party system was established and while Democrats and Republicans opposed each other, both were determined there would be no third party and sought to hinder any independent candidates.
The Democratic Party began its turn toward socialist idealism in the 1920s when Woodrow Wilson was president beginning with social engineering policies and using unconstitutional government authority to impose moral ideology in the form of the Prohibition Act. Wilson was the leader of the Progressive Movement. He established, with the help of Democrat control of Congress, the Federal Reserve Act, created by a secretive group of banking tycoons that began at a meeting at Jekyll Island. G. Edward Griffinresearched and has spoken about the problems with the established Federal Reserve. [See Video]
President Wilson reintroduced the income tax system that was established during the Civil War to pay for war costs via the Revenue Act of 1913. Labor unions were becoming established during this period and the Wilson administration began the practice of the Democratic Party's support and cooperation of trade unions. Wilson, with the help of a Democrat Congress, signed the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, both suppressing any anti-war protests and movements concerning the ongoing war in Europe. Wilson endorsed racial segregation, but at the same time worked to ratify the right for women to vote via a constitutional amendment. He promoted the failed League of Nations, precursor of the United Nations, that also is failing and corrupted, after the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I.
Introduction of socialism was firmly established when Franklin Delano Roosevelt(FDR) came to be president who holds the record of having four successive terms, from 1933 to 1945.
At the time, the world was in economic depression. His socialist plan called the New Deal, was popular with Americans because of their desperation in what would become known as the Great Depression. FDR realigned American politics and the Democrat Party as “liberals” instead of “progressives” as Wilson did. FDR united labor unions, created big-city political machines (Chicago political machine being the most infamous and longest lasting), and firmly established democratic socialism as the Democratic Party's agenda. The Social Security was created for people who reached a certain age (which continues to be extended) could receive a monthly retirement benefit. Before Social Security, if a senior citizen did not have any other retirement benefit, would end up depending upon the family unit or perish in poverty. It was based upon a certain amount being withdrawn from salaries and wages in order to accumulate enough to receive a monthly stipend at retirement age. It is not part of the welfare system that Democrats consistently push for, but a forced pension system that was established as a 'trust' fund, meaning that those funds were to be used for nothing else but social security payouts. Democrats have blamed the lack of funds in the 'trust' system on the 'baby boomer' population because, they say, there are too many reaching retirement age. But the truth is that over the decades, Congress has dipped into that 'trust' fund to pay for other welfare programs and national debt problems. Like the Constitution, it has been abused and misused, departing from the original idea of its establishment. It was, indirectly, and as the program progressed, directly, a means to provide identifying numbers to citizens and keep track of the populace in concert with the unconstitional income tax system. It also became a means of identification fraud, which has helped the Democrat's move to welcome illegal immigrants into the fold of their political entity. It became, like too many federal programs, a means to control the People. Today, citizens are given a social security number at birth, and since the 1970s, even military use their social security number as their military identifying number system.
While Democrats are the primary guilty party, the Republicans have a share on that blame as well. Just as the Democrats allowed themselves to progress into socialism, using democracy as the Athenians did, which ultimately became rule by the mob, instead of the rule of law. Democrats choose to bend the rules whenever it fits their agenda, while Republicans blemish the name of their party by going along with the flow.
While Democrats are the primary guilty party, the Republicans have a share on that blame as well. Just as the Democrats allowed themselves to progress into socialism, using democracy as the Athenians did, which ultimately became rule by the mob, instead of the rule of law. Democrats choose to bend the rules whenever it fits their agenda, while Republicans blemish the name of their party by going along with the flow.
FDR and democracy:
Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.
But the Democrat Party, since the time of FDR, has not realized that rule of the mob doesn't work because politicians use emotion and convincing citizens that government can overseer the lives of citizens better than they can for themselves. Thus was established a welfare state environment that counters free enterprise, property rights and other liberties established by the Founders that, especially John Adams, had warned about a democratic form of government, instead of a constitutional republic.
FDR stated:
Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.
While description of our form of government as a democracy was not new, it was firmly established by FDR and his fellow Democrats. Labor unions had been established in the United States through immigration of the Marxist ideology of Europe. Labor/trade unions of the United States had been infiltrated by organized crime lords because they saw the potential of creating wealth via legal means. Politicians were bought with political donations, and while, certain unions contribute to the GOP, the unions represent the largest cumulative donors of the Democratic Party – and continues today. The unions have worked their way into the government employee sector, which is unconstitutional because that is the job of Congress along with overseeing the handling of funds. With the Democratic and help of some Republicans, the limitations of government prescribed by the Constitution has been circumvented, including allowing a private entity (unions) to dictate government employee policies instead of the executive and legislative branches. This is especially dangerous since unions spend large sums of money funding politicians that will guarantee its form of monopoly.
Democratic socialists learned from Marxism that by becoming the authority and power over educational institutions, it can push their ideology and further progress agenda by indoctrination of a nation's youth. Social engineering and other methods are being used by democratic progressives to create a population that does not and refuses to think outside the box of what is prescribed by those operating our federal government. This and other situations has come about because We the People did not ensure that those we elect preserve and maintain the constitutional republic, rule of law; rather than rule of mob that democracy progresses to, then socialism, and finally oligarchy. Sadly, our nation, its government with the blessing of a majority of its people, is on the path that the Founders warned the People about.
This treatise is about a subject that would take a book to cover it in detail, indeed, some have been written. General consensus is that history and political science are boring subjects; however, both are critical in disseminating knowledge, and both are intertwined.
Education, like the family unit, is the foundation of any nation; indeed, the very survival of civilization. Both have been compromised by an elite within the populace that has put their personal agenda above the rule of law and relying upon emotion overriding reason, indoctrinated untruths that are unquestioned, and a people who, as JFK stated in his first State of the Union address, want what their government can give them instead of relying upon themselves and insisting upon those that govern rule by limitations prescribed by the Constitution.
Serious reformation of our government is in order to return it to the state of being a constitutional republic; but first, We the People, must first reform our society that will generate thinking out of the box, the rule of law, and most importantly self-educating (reeducating) and insist that government abide by limitations and delegate the responsibly of overseeing education to the state and local government that is closer and answers to the People – not unions, special interest, or socialists now occupying the federal (and some state) governments.
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