PA Parks & Forests Foundation Accessibility Training Sept. 22-23

The PA Parks & Forests Foundation, in partnership with the Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania, invites you to participate in a two-day training on conducting an ADA Accessibility Survey for facilities on September 22-23 at the Kings Gap Environmental Center in Newville, Cumberland County.
Park (state, community, regional) and forest staff and volunteers; interested individuals in Cumberland and Perry counties should attend this important training.
The presenter will be Mark Derry, President, Eastlake, Derry & Associates.
Participants will: Learn about the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design; Participate in hands-on training exercise using a 2010 ADA Standards based accessibility checklist; Receive a unique experience of putting survey tools to work; Discuss common barrier removal solutions and low cost interim solutions; Receive resources for ongoing information and answers to future questions; and Receive a checklist of other barriers that prevent participation in outdoor recreation.
What is expected of me in return? All participants will be asked to complete one assessment of a park or forest located in Cumberland or Perry county. A listing of the potential entities will be available at the workshop.
Completed assessments will be returned to the Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation for compilation and development of a plan of action for improved accessibility.
The workshop is free. Lunch provided on Wednesday. Overnight lodging available for a fee.
Online registration is available.  For more information, contact Marci Mowery by email to: or call 717-236-7644.

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