The Trout like Variety This Morning

My plan today was to be at the tailrace at 7 AM, but that just didn’t happen. I sit up the night before and watched the Cowboys, a 1972 John Wayne movie that didn’t end until 12:30. I could have recorded it but it was just too good to stop watching for the second time. I finally made it to the waters edge at 9:30 the next morning.
The humidity had already kicked in even at 9 AM, causing a haze of fog to cover the water surface. If one is on the tailrace early the fog is the main obstacle you have to contend with in the heat of summer. At times it makes it really difficult to see your indicator or dry fly. So the 9:30 arrival was kind of blessing in disguise.
The water today was extremely low with a slow flow most of the way up the channel. The generators had been turned off at 4 AM so the water had settled down quite nicely. I really like to fish this place when its low like today, because it give me a chance to fish areas on the other side of the channel that I never get fish.
My first trout of the morning on a beadhead nymph, which I thought was going to be my pattern for the morning; not the case. The trout today were into a smorgasbord of food choices. I must admit I’m not up on my Entomology aside from recognizing a midge, mayfly and possibly a gnat, but trust me none of those were on the menu. After the bead head went dead, experiment time set in.
Super clear water made it easy to see trout moving from deep pockets to current seams. The seams are where I had the most success. Feeding would decrease as the sun broke through the cloud cover. I am not a fan of fly fishing in the sun!!!
This rainbow was a little camera shy after a size 14 soft hackle was removed from his mouth.
I had plenty of company around me all morning. Some fishermen would leave and others would show up to try their hand at landing some rainbow. I talk to fly fishermen from Tennessee, and numerous cities all over the state. One guy traveled from the Alabama Gulf Coast just to fish the Sipsey.
Sorry for the bad camera work, which doesn’t do the colors on this trout justice? Most all the stock trout on the tailrace have very little color, this one was an exception. The size 20 renegade got its attention. Numerous trout were brought to hand today on various patterns throughout the morning which proved to me if the bite is slow keep experimenting.

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