Mange is a nagging threat to PA black bears

Mange is a nagging threat to PA black bears

By Tyler Frantz

            As if the Pennsylvania Game Commission didn't already have their hands full battling Chronic Wasting Disease within the state's deer herd, they also face an imposing threat to black bear populations. 

            According to the PGC, cases of a highly contagious skin disease, commonly known as mange, have been on the rise in Pennsylvania over the past two decades. In fact, mange has been documented in more than forty of the state's 67 counties since the 1990s.

            It is believed that a tiny mite called Sarcoptes scabiei, which burrows tunnels into the skin of a host mammal for reproduction, is the most probable cause of mange in Keystone State bruins.

            As a result of the parasitic infection, the host mammal's skin becomes irritated and itchy, leading to severe hair loss and painful lesions. Infected animals are easily identified by their patchy, thinning coats or even completely bald areas of dry exposed skin. Symptoms vary by degree of mange severity, but the worst cases ultimately end with host mortality.

            Mange is nothing new, as different strains of the disease are known to infect foxes and coyotes, domestic dogs, pigs and even humans in the form of scabies. However, the PGC believes there is a specific strain that has adapted itself to thrive on black bears.

            "There are currently many unknowns relating to the spread and maintenance of mange in bears, and research efforts are currently underway to better define these processes," reads an information brief released by the agency.

            "Mites can be transferred to a new host when it comes into direct physical contact with an infected host. In addition, mites that fall off an infected host can persist in the environment and infect a new animal that comes into contact with that environment."

            That's bad news, especially going into the early summer months when bears tend to interact more regularly for breeding and food-seeking activities, putting them at higher risk for environmental transmission.

            "It is not currently known how long the bear-adapted mites survive in the environment and, more importantly, how long the mites remain infective for the next host," said the PGC.

            But a big part of the problem may be the supplemental feeding of wildlife that takes place by well-intentioned observers, even if bears are not specifically targeted.

            Bird and squirrel feeders, as well as salt blocks and mineral sites for deer, can all attract bears. Though it might make for an exciting close encounter with our state's beautiful ursids, it can lead to obvious negative implications.
            Even compost heaps, campsites and outdoor garbage containers are attractive locations for bears to rummage for an easy meal. If these areas repeatedly become an opportunistic food source, bears may be more inclined to congregate, placing them at a greater risk for contracting mange.

            "This is something that has been around for a long time," said PGC Northcentral Region biologist Tony Ross. "In this region of the state, we have a lot of camps that feed bears, even though they shouldn't, and wherever they have those regular feeding opportunities, multiple bears are bound to show up."

            "The interaction is the worst thing for spreading this disease. Skin to skin contact through breeding and constantly returning to feed sites, where mites are in the soil, are probably the leading factors this time of year."

            "Mange doesn't necessarily always kill the bears," Ross explained. "Sometimes the bears heal on their own, while other times we can treat them with a shot of Ivermectin, which acts like an antibiotic to kill the mites."

            "We trap enough of bears that we can treat the outbreaks fairly well by administering the shot. However, some bears have it so badly that they must be euthanized," Ross said.

            "We want to spare them the suffering of a long painful death when it gets to the point that the mange is really severe. They are burning off so many calories because they are constantly irritated and scratching. They can't sleep. They can't eat. It's just a real sad situation."

            Humans can contract the contagious Sarcoptes scabiei disease, resulting in an itchy skin rash lasting from several days to weeks, though it is treatable. It is unknown whether eating the meat of an infected bear will cause any issues, but many don't risk it.

            "If a hunter harvests a bear that is clearly unfit for human consumption, they can always bring it in to our office and we will issue them a new tag," said Ross. "We have certainly done that in the past."

            Anyone observing a bear with mange is encouraged not to approach the animal, but to contact the nearest regional PGC office. If the animal is deemed treatable, agency personnel may be able to trap and administer Ivermectin, giving the bear its best chance of recovery.

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