House Moves $30.1 Billion Republican General Fund Budget Bill

The House Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet late Friday evening to amended House Bill 1192 (Adolph-R-Delaware) with the Senate/House Republican version of the General Fund budget.  It is a $30.1 billion, no tax increase state budget, just over $1 billion more than last year.
Gov. Wolf has already put out a statement that said he will veto the GOP’s “gimmick budget.”
There is no severance tax, but it does restore some General Fund monies to DCNR- $21.6 million, a little more for DEP- $4.3 million and level funds the Heritage Parks Program at $2.25 million.
Here are some of the highlights of the GOP plan--
-- Dept. of Agriculture: adds $23 million from last year (mostly for lab, county fairs, etc.)
-- Conservation Districts remain the same at $869,000
-- DCNR: adds $21.6 million, most to line items for personnel and operations
-- Heritage and Other Parks- $2.25 million (same as last year)
-- DCED: Commonwealth Financing Authority adds $12.4 million (don't know what for yet)
-- DEP: $4.3 million more, most in personnel and operations
-- Conservation Districts: $2.5 million (same as last year)
-- Sewage Facilities Grants: $900,000 (zero last year)
-- Susquehanna River Basin Commission: $473,000 ($100,000 less)
-- Delaware River Basin Commission: $434,000 (same)
-- Environmental Hearing Board: $2.3 million (same)
A spreadsheet with General Fund line items is available online.
Of course this is just part of the budget.  There are lots of details not yet available.  We are also waiting for what Fiscal Code, Education Code or other legislation will be needed to implement the GOP budget.
The Senate and House also have the primary pension reform and liquor privatization bills on committee agendas over the next two days.
The House will be in session Saturday and Sunday.  The Senate Sunday.  Both will be in Monday and Tuesday.
Stay tuned…..
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