Peril prevention for the outdoor wanderer

Peril prevention for the outdoor wanderer

By Tyler Frantz

            I can vividly recall the misery of my many bouts with poison ivy. The puffy, blistered skin, the ceaseless itching and discomfort, the oozing yellow pus weeping from my rash-infested flesh- all caused by a simple three-leafed plant.

            Knowing I’m one of the unfortunate souls allergic to poison ivy, I have learned to avoid the plants as much as possible. There’s a certain irony, however, that of all my outdoor experiences, my worst encounters with poison ivy have come from relatively domesticated locations.

            To date, my worst outbreaks were acquired as a result of weed whacking around my father’s business office, chasing a soccer ball behind a goal at summer camp, and most recently, cutting up some downed trees in my front yard.

            Each experience required a visit to the doctor, accompanied by several unbearably itchy days and sleepless nights. But much like most mild dangers of spending time outdoors, these run-ins could have been prevented. 

            Obviously, the best way to prevent getting poison is to know how to properly identify the plants and avoid them completely. “Shiny and leaves of three, let it be” is an old Boy Scout phrase worth remembering. But as a rule of thumb, simply wearing long pants during hikes will protect from plant-to-skin contact, which actually causes the rash.
             It’s important to note that plant oil residue can be left behind on boots, clothing or even pets after poison brushes against them, so always wash your hands thoroughly after handling these items. In fact, when I know I’ve been exposed to poison ivy, my clothes go directly into the washing machine and I head to the shower immediately upon returning home.

            When in the field, rinsing off in a creek or pond may help remove plant oils, but warm soapy water is most effective whenever possible. Try not to touch your face or other tender areas of the body after exposure, since oils can be easily transferred from one location to another.

            If an outbreak does occur, there are countless home remedies to help ease the itch, but I’ve found that making a simple paste with baking soda and water, dabbing it on the affected area and allowing it to dry soothes the irritation immensely.

            It’s pretty much impossible, but try not to scratch the rash, as opening up the wound can lead to infection. Keep it moist using over-the-counter creams and ointments, but if inflammation does not subside in a few days, or if it becomes unbearable, it may be worth a visit to the doctor.

            Plants aren’t the only perils of the outdoor world though; animals can do their fair share of damage as well. For the most part, snakes, bees, bears and other allegedly “mean-tempered” wildlife have unfairly received a bad rap without cause.  

            Aside from accidental encounters when animals might feel surprised or threatened and reactively strike, they are largely a non-issue. As long as they’re given plenty of distance and not provoked, wildlife will almost always choose the passive route over an aggressive one. They’re usually more afraid of us than we are of them.

            Some insects do view humans as low links on the food chain, however. By this, I am referring to the tiny, parasitic, disease-spreading bloodsuckers we affectionately know as ticks and mosquitoes.

            Ticks have recently been confirmed in all 67 Pennsylvania counties. They thrive in wooded or grassy areas and have a knack for finding their way to warm spots on our bodies to burrow in undetected.

            Perhaps most alarming is that Lyme disease, a bacteria-caused illness ranging from mildly achy joints to long-term issues, can be acquired from the bite of a tiny deer tick. Many times, victims don’t even realize they’ve been bitten until they begin feeling tired or nauseous and notice a red bulls-eye pattern rash on their skin.

            It is important after spending time in the outdoors to check oneself for ticks before they attach and begin feeding. Pay close attention to your waistline, groin, underarms, collar and head areas, as these are heat-emitting locations that draw ticks to you.

            Again, wearing long pants with cuffs or drawstrings at the bottom, along with a tucked-in long sleeved shirt and hat can make a difference. Tucking pants bottoms into boots or high socks and wearing light colors can also help avoid drawing ticks to your body.

            Mosquitoes are widely recognized as the deadliest animals on the planet, (besides humans), claiming over 700,000 lives annually. Though Pennsylvania does not exactly possess the Malaria-spreading conditions of Africa’s most impoverished nations, the threat of contracting West Nile Virus or other diseases from a mosquito bite is very real and should not be taken lightly.

            Mosquitoes flourish near open standing water sources, since this is where they breed. They are more apt to be active during low-light conditions, such as dusk, and they are mysteriously drawn to some people more than others.

            Wearing layered clothing, head nets and gloves can help protect your skin from vulnerability, while bug sprays containing DEET can be effective at keeping the pesky buzz-biters at bay. Thermacell products, which use a small butane-cartridge and repellent-soaked mat to create a zone of protection, are pretty slick little appliances. In my opinion, they’re worth the investment.

            All of the “unpleasantries” discussed in this article are mild inconveniences of enjoying the outdoors. My intent is not to discourage readers from getting out and experiencing nature for what it’s worth, but simply to caution of the subtle dangers that exist in the wild places we love. As they say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” 

For more great writing, photography and video work by outdoors freelancer, Tyler Frantz, visit Also, please LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!  



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