Fishing With The Grandchildren

My wife and I have spent three days with two of our grandchildren this past week and really got a good workout. In other words we didn’t need to go to the gym at all this past week. There is nothing like having grandchildren and enjoying spending time with them especially when they are young. They are only little once so make the most of that precious time. Friday afternoon Cathey and I carried Bryson and Laelyn to a local pond for some fishing. The images below sum up the trip!!
Bryson landing his largest bass to date
Quite an accomplishment for this young guy!!!
His sister Laelyn was excited for Bryson’s catch
The bluegill were in full spawning mode
Laelyn finally gets brave enough to touch one of the bluegill
After touching the bluegill she decides to wants to land one, I think Bryson may have found him a fishing partner.

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