Myth and Conception of Suppressors

The federal government has, over the decades increasingly passed legislation that puts it in control of the people and many laws and regulations counter the fundamental freedom of choice that the Founders encouraged, but did not mention it specifically when putting together what became known as the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
Progress has been made in the protection of rights clearly established in the Second Amendment, but there are laws and regulations that should not have passed by federal and state government. Recently, Wisconsin did away with the useless draconian law that forbade hunting with a crossbow, despite allowing bow hunting during prescribed season. Hunting permits make sense because it limits hunting to a season and is tailored toward the population of hunted animals. It prevents like what happened in Wisconsin when turkeys became extinct in certain areas because of open hunting, and hunting itself prevents overpopulation of animals that creates a problem concerning disease and starvation for lack of food.

The National Firearms Act(NFA) of 1934 was the beginning of regulation and control of so-called silencers, as well as firearms that fired automatically, as machine guns. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) …
its underlying purpose was to curtail, if not prohibit, transactions in NFA firearms.

But just as silencers are not really 'silent', but suppress noise – the law was based on myth and emotional conception. The correct term, therefore, is suppressor. …
A suppressor, sound suppressor, or silencer is a device attached to or part of the barrel of a firearm or air gun which reduces the amount of noise and visible muzzle flash generated by firing. Suppressors are typically constructed of a metal cylinder with internal mechanisms to reduce the sound of firing by slowing the escaping propellant gas and sometimes by reducing the velocity of the bullet.[1][2]

Depending where you live, suppressors are either banned from civilian use and/or hunting – and all require a federal 'stamp' that costs $200, a myriad of paperwork, fingerprinting and other bureaucratic hoops to jump through.
The NFA also included a ban on shotguns and rifles having a barrel less than 18 inches in length.
While the act was updated in 1968 because part of it was found unconstitutional, the NFA remains in terms of its $200 tax and myriad of paperwork involved. The penalty of getting caught with a suppressor without aforementioned tax stamp is as severe as if someone committed a crime of violence. The same goes for a dealer or manufacturer who sells a suppressor to an unlicensed individual. It is all because in 1934 there was an organized crime problem and many gangsters used automatic weapons and some, apparently also used suppressors. For the same reason switchblades (also referred to as 'stiletto') were banned by the federal government in the Switchblade Act, recently changedby the Obama administration.
Hollywood had a big factor in the passing of the law and the public acceptance of that NFA regulation. The Dillinger-Nelson gang used silencers and the FBI provided a database of facts that led toward the passing of the NFA. Unfortunately, the FBI has not updated their reports on the statistics of “silencers”, suppressors being used in crimes. And just as many gun control laws, it does not prevent criminals from obtaining or using them.
Hollywood has become a big factor in many negative political movements that include changing our country from a constitutional republic to an American version of socialist/communist state. Indeed, Hollywood's populace have a history of socialism and communist support brought out by Joseph McCartyand carried too far by a congressional committee in the government agenda to eradicate communists from the political field and subversive organizations. Hollywood's artistic population are anti-gun and side with politicians intending to alter or erase the Second Amendment; but constantly produce films of violence. Hollywood has a responsibility to ensure that their films are viewed as entertainment and acting out fictional and non-fictional stories that influence youth and the naïve. [See Bibliography]
Hiram Maxim
The conceptof a silenced or suppressed firearm to reduce sound levels was invented by Hiram P. Maxim in 1909.
In 2011, the American Suppressor Association (ASA) was formed to back manufacturers and dealers to convince legislators to change the NFA when it comes to suppressors. They do not mind that automatic firearms, like machine guns, are regulated strictly – but there is no sense in not allowing suppressors to be sold as accessories to lawful public customers without all the paperwork and fees. The Facebookpage of ASA has a map depicting states that allow use of suppressors by citizens in varying degrees.
Hunters like firearms with noise suppression, especially those using hunting dogs. To date, there isn't any product to protect a hunting dog's hearing. In addition, when hunting and target shooting, it is more of a pleasant experience with less noise. National Park and Forest Rangers say it will increase the possibility of poaching, hunting out of season and without a hunting permit. If that were true, bows would be outlawed because they are completely silent.
With more manufacturers and dealers selling (registered) suppressors there has been an increase (and backlog). It means it takes longer to get approval. With 45,000 applications, that is $9 million of tax revenue for the government.
If you intend to purchase a suppressor and apply, make sure you are aware of laws of your state. You may legally own and use a suppressor, but some states will not allow using one for hunting.
Until the regulation is changed, for every suppressor you have for individual firearms in your collection, you must file and pay $200 for each suppressor. That is the ridiculous part of the regulation that needs to be changed. Another thing is that a person cannot bequeath or pass on a silencer, like some firearms in some states and in some cases.
Bureaucracy needs to be limited in government, especially the federal, and ensure that legislation and regulations are common sense, constitutional, and for a logical reason. Too many laws. So many that even the legislators cannot keep up with them. It is time that we have legislators who are aware that it is not the quantity of legislation passed that is important, but the quality of legislation and that it complies with the articles and amendments of the US Constitution.

ATF Update [Ammoland]

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