Controversy Continues Over Green-Tip Ammunition - Too Late, Already Banned

As you probably know, the Obama administration, specifically the ATF, is considering a ban on ammunition painted with a green tip. It specifically applies to the AR-15 rifle. Their reasoning is that the ATF considers it “armor piercing”, which was banned in the 1980s.
Before the consideration, green-tipped ammunition was popular because it was cheap. Now 100 rounds cost $90.
ATF has announced it is accepting public comment about the proposed change until March 16th. You can send your commentary to, or send comments by fax or postal mail.

Anyone in the military knows that green tip ammunition, M855/SS109 5.56 ammunition has a steel-core bullet. The bullet core is part steel and part lead and previously the ATF had declared that the SS109/M855 bullets were exempt from the armor piercing ban statute. The green-tip 5.56mm ammo was originally designed for the M16A2 that was adopted about the same time the armor piercing ammunition ban took place. The green tip is still considered standard ammunition. Contrary to what people believe, the NATO standard marking for AP ammo is not green tips but black tips.
ITS Tactical discusses why the green tip ammunition should not be considered armor piercing.
The ammunition has a steel tip and lead rear that was designed for the M16A1 to pierce helmets. The altered ammo was not designed to be armor piercing and the steel tip was not required to penetrate body armor the military used to use. It was found that the bullets were not as efficient at long range, degrading performance beyond 150 meters. In addition, it does not penetrate body armor since the upgrade to the M16A2 - and that includes body armor used by law enforcement. So how can it be "armor piercing"?
In reality and personal observation, I could care less if green-tip ammo was banned. There are plenty of 5.56mm ammo out there to choose from. Customers, as aforementioned, only purchased it because it was cheaper than the standard ammunition. That has changed because as it got popular the price went up. Now the ammunition must be sold before the cut-off ban date.
It is such big news because people have grown paranoid everytime the Feds find something to ban. Like states that ban crossbows for hunting, it is a law that has no purpose or reason; just as the federal ban against suppressors and short-barreled shotguns and rifles. I realize the reason however to restrict the use of automatic weapons. Lawful citizens can own automatic weapons by purchasing a federal approval stamp, fingerprinting, background check and await approval. The thing is that for every one owned (collectors usually), the same fee and paperwork apply for each individual automatic weapon or one of the aforementioned regulated items like suppressors and short-barrel firearms.
Suppressors are getting popular, despite the $200 fee and myriad of paperwork and regulations to own one - and the high cost manufacturers are asking. It is nothing but a muffler for firearm and handy at the range where noise can be suppressed. The term 'silencer' is incorrect because they are never totally silent. The stigma against suppressors comes from the novels and films about "hitmen" and assassins using them. 
According to a recent report, the ATF has already banned green-tip ammunition. So why are they asking for input until March 16th? 
The comment period about the proposed/already implemented ban on AR-15 "green-tip" ammunition closes, ATF ignores tens-of-thousands of comments because they were never going to consider them in the first place, and continues with the regulations outlined in the new 2015 Regulation Guide.
Now you know why people do not trust the federal government anymore - the ban was done "under the radar". 

So, what' next? ATF is going to have to explain why the change was made under the radar and will also have to explain what this means for people in possession of "green-tip" ammunition after January 2015 when the new ATF Regulation Guide was published with the exemption missing. Is there no grandfathering period for possession? When will manufactures be forced to stop producing? What does this mean for buyers and sellers? States are also going to have to find a way to implement these regulations and define compliance under separate state ammunition possession laws.

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