Wolf Unveils Natural Gas Severance Tax Proposal, Nothing For The Environment

Gov. Tom Wolf Wednesday proposed an education reinvestment plan featuring a severance tax on natural gas extraction as part of his solution to properly fund public education in the Commonwealth.
The proposal would continue payments to local communities impacted by drilling currently funded under the Act 13 drilling impact fee, but said nothing about any funding for environmental restoration or programs.
[Note: Press coverage after the announcement mentioned the Act 13 impact fee would be retained for funding communities impacted by drilling and a “smaller portion” for the Department of Environmental Protection to help regulated the industry. Gov. Wolf said he has not yet determined the exact formula for spending the severance tax revenue.]
Pennsylvania’s schools have suffered from $1 billion in funding cuts in recent years, Gov. Wolf said, forcing school districts to increase class sizes, lay-off teachers and other staff, and make serious program cuts that make it more difficult for students to get a strong education in Pennsylvania’s public schools.
“We can get Pennsylvania back on track, and we can start by passing a commonsense severance tax that will help fund our schools – an idea with bipartisan support,” Gov. Wolf said. “The Commonwealth ranks 45th in the nation in percentage of state funding for public education, and as a result, we have seen larger class sizes, fewer teachers, and vital program cuts. These cuts have made it more difficult for students to get a strong education in Pennsylvania’s public schools. This is the right thing to do for our children and our economy and to move Pennsylvania forward.”
The proposal, called the Pennsylvania Education Reinvestment Act, enacts a reasonable 5% severance tax plus 4.7 cents per thousand feet of volume on extraction, which is expected to generate over a billion dollars in fiscal year 2017 prior to exemptions. It is modeled on neighboring West Virginia’s severance tax plan.
Pennsylvania sits on one of the largest deposits of natural gas in the world. Other natural gas producing states, including Texas and Oklahoma, levy a similar – and in some cases higher – tax on extraction to fund key priorities and initiatives.
Implementing a similar structure to West Virginia will ensure that Pennsylvania is competitive with neighboring states. In addition, this approach has the benefit of being field tested. West Virginia offers proof that a state can build a thriving and unconventional natural gas industry while simultaneously using a portion of the proceeds to help make a better future for its citizens.
The proposal would continue the payments made to impacted communities and make reasonable exemptions for: gas given away for free; gas from low producing wells; and wells brought back into production after not having produced marketable quantities of gas. 
It will also contain provisions to protect property owners who lease land for natural gas exploration.
Background Memo Sent To Legislators
Pennsylvania’s schools have suffered from $1 billion in funding cuts and a lack of resources. We have seen larger class sizes, fewer teachers, and program cuts that make it more difficult for students to get a strong education in Pennsylvania’s public schools.
If we are going to get our Commonwealth back on track and be competitive in the 21st century economy, we must provide our young people with the educational foundation necessary to be successful.
Pennsylvania currently ranks 45th in the nation in the percentage of funding the state provides for public education. This is intolerable. Pennsylvania must take the lead in investing in early childhood, K-12, and higher education.
With Pennsylvania sitting on one of the largest deposits of natural gas in the world, it is up to us to use this resource wisely so it benefits all Pennsylvanians and helps to fund our schools.
Pennsylvania is currently the only major gas producing state in the country that does not charge a tax on oil and natural gas extraction – and we’re failing to tax this resource at a time when our schools need more funding.
If states like Texas, West Virginia, and Oklahoma are able to charge a severance tax to fund key priorities, it is long past time Pennsylvania does too.
In order to ensure that we are appropriately funding education at all levels, I am today proposing the Pennsylvania Education Reinvestment Act. This will raise needed new revenue for our state’s public education system by imposing a reasonable tax – in line with our neighbors - on the extraction of natural gas within the state.
The tax proposed in the Education Reinvestment Act will be modelled after the severance tax in neighboring West Virginia, which like Pennsylvania has seen a recent boom in production of natural gas from unconventional drilling.
Implementing a similar structure to West Virginia will ensure that Pennsylvania is competitive with neighboring states. In addition, this approach has the benefit of being field tested. West Virginia offers proof that a state can build a thriving unconventional natural gas industry while simultaneously using a portion of the proceeds to help make a better future for its citizens.
I am proposing a 5 percent plus 4.7 cents per MCF tax. My proposal would not be on top of the existing impact fee but includes it. My proposal would continue the payments made to communities impacted by drilling that are currently funded by the impact fee.
We can get Pennsylvania back on track, and we can start by passing a commonsense severance tax that will help fund our schools – an idea with bipartisan support. At a time when our budget is facing significant challenges and our schools are struggling, it simply makes sense to pass a competitive, commonsense severance tax.
Key Features
Tax of: 5 percent of the value of gas at the wellhead; 4.7¢ per thousand cubic feet of volume severed.
Reasonable exemptions for: gas given away free; gas from low producing wells; and wells brought back into production after not having produced marketable quantities of gas.
A tax with this structure is expected to generate over a billion dollars in fiscal year 2017 with revenue expected to grow with production.
This number is based on the following estimates of production from both conventional and unconventional wells: 2015: 4,915.0 bcf; 2016: 4,978.2 bcf; 2017: 5,065.3 bcf; 2018: 5,114.0 bcf; 2019: 5,186.2 bcf; 2020: 5,265.5 bcf
Finally, the Education Reinvestment Act will contain provisions to protect property owners who lease land for natural gas exploration. No portion of the tax imposed in this legislation will be allowed to be deducted from royalty payments.
Wolf Unveils Severance Tax On Natural Gas
Wolf Proposes Natural Gas Severance Tax

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