History Lesson for Barack Obama: If He Can Handle Truth in History

Ben Shapiro ...
... At some point in our collective history, our ancestors engaged in tribal warfare and cannibalized their fallen enemies. So shut up about the Nazis, you hypocrites. Forget Obama's historical ignorance, if you can, for just a moment. Forget that the Crusades, for all their brutality and horror, were a response to Islamic aggression; forget that the Inquisition was an attempt to systematize legal punishment for anti-Christian activity rather than leaving it to the heated mob; forget that all abolitionist leaders were devout Christians; forget that hundreds of thousands of Christians marched to their deaths during the Civil War singing the words "as He died to make men holy, so we die to make men free"; forget that the chief leaders of the civil rights movement were Christian leaders like Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. ... Obama's philosophy is the philosophy of failure. 

No wonder radical Islam holds a cherished place in his heart, while Judeo-Christian religion find itself in his doghouse


Iran Won’t Pursue Nuclear Weapons Because It’s ‘Contrary to Their Faith

President Obama said he believed a deal with Iran on nuclear weapons was possible because Supreme Leader Khamenei said it would be “contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon.”


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