DRBC Will Subject PennEast Pipeline To Review And Docket

Responding to multiple requests by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, supported by hundreds of letters from individuals, the Delaware River Basin Commission has determined the PennEast Pipeline Project will be subject to DRBC jurisdiction and must obtain a docket before it can proceed.
In a letter sent to Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini wrote:  “…based upon our internal review of recent submittals by the project sponsors to DRBC and other agencies, we have advised the sponsors that the project is subject to review under Section 3.8 of the Delaware River Basin Compact and implementing regulations.  The PennEast project sponsors have been requested to submit an application to the DRBC and to request a pre-application meeting.”
“DRBC’s decision to review the PennEast pipeline project is to be commended,” said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, of the decision made.  “Pipelines are a known and growing source of water pollution from polluted runoff, and to the devastation of wetlands, streams, and healthy forests critical for water, flood and species protection.  They are also responsible for the increased taking of private and public lands through the exercise and/or threat of their eminent domain authority.  They are the big bully partners of the gas drillers.  
"Having a truly independent agency take a look at the impacts of the PennEast Pipeline project is vitally important for the rivers and residents of our watershed.  We look forward to engaging in the DRBC review process and to offering science, data, facts and information to inform their decision,” van Rossum added.
Click Here for a copy of the DRN petition. Click Here for the DRBC response.  Click Here for the DRN response to the DRBC response.  Click Here for the DRBC jurisdictional determination letter.
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