Fish Photography: ABC's of Catch-Photo-Release, Part 2
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This is part two and the final post of CPR (catch-photo-release) techniques. Before reading this post, I suggest reading part one. Why? Part one sets the tone and will help the reader understand why I am writing about this subject; a subject, in my opinion, that is wholly ignored by the industry. Part one is at
The DIY Photo Situation
This is part two and the final post of CPR (catch-photo-release) techniques. Before reading this post, I suggest reading part one. Why? Part one sets the tone and will help the reader understand why I am writing about this subject; a subject, in my opinion, that is wholly ignored by the industry. Part one is at
The DIY Photo Situation
Part one explained how to CPR a fish that you beached/landed, in shallow water. For the record, I define beaching a fish as keeping it in shallow water as much as possible. For various reasons, let's say that you don't want to beach the fish; in other words, you want to stay in the water. Here are my suggestions on how to capture high quality, yet unique photos.
- Stay calm throughout this process. The calmer you are, the more relaxed your subject (the fish) will be.
- While playing the fish, reel in excess line that is floating on the water. The combination of current and excess line typically causes problems when you attempt to CPR a fish.
- The fish seems cooperative at this point, so the next goal is to bring the fish towards your body, so you can net it, or handle it with your hands (I rarely fish with a net because I find them to be more of a problem).
- Two key points to achieving step #3: 1) leave at least a rod's length of leader-tippet-line out. From my experience, leaving a little more than your rod length is desirable. 2) When you are in full control of your fish, and if you have the correct amount of line out, simply lift your rod/arm directly toward the sky (hint, arm should be straight up in the air and elbow should be locked).
- Once you master step #4, you should find that the fish will easily swing towards your body and come directly into your knee's or crotch area (think of the geometric principles that a crane and wrecking ball employ; i.e. lever and weighted ball).
- In one motion, gently grab the line and place your rod underneath your casting arm pit. You should be hands free now and still in control of this fish. Hopefully, the fish should be relaxed and resting near your body.
- With your free hand, grab your camera and prepare to take your shot.
- Leave the hook in and DO NOT attempt to squeeze/grab/hold fish. Simply cup the fish underneath his/her belly and then lift and shoot. At this point, you are shooting blind and creating a fish selfie portrait.
- Step #8 may seem awkward at first, and you may doubt your ability to get the right shot. But, simply keep taking photos. I may take up to 8 photos, within a few seconds. Hint; buying a high quality camera with fast a focal point and shutter speed, provides the best opportunity to capture high quality images.
- Stay relaxed but move as fast as you can so you can release the fish as quickly as possible. With practice, it's not that difficult. See below photos for more details.
Final Word
I hope this mini series about Catch-Photo-Release techniques was helpful. The more fish you catch and the more you practice these techniques, I believe you'll be more happy with the final results. In the end, I believe the fish are better off and I believe you and others, will enjoy your photos more.
Gone Fishing,
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