Senate Passes Bill Giving Municipalities More Flexibility To Maintain Local Parks

The Senate Tuesday passed House Bill 1052 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) giving municipalities greater flexibility in targeting recreation fees to benefit all residents of their communities is one step closer to becoming law.
Under current law, recreation fees that municipalities receive from new development may only be used for building a park in that new development. But that, Rep. Freeman said, usually results in an underutilized pocket park.
His bill would permit municipalities to use the money to operate, maintain or expand any recreational facilities within the municipality.
"Parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities are important to our quality of life," Rep. Freeman said. "They promote green space in the community, safeguard the environment and give people of all ages a place for exercise and recreation. My bill would ease the restrictions on the use of the recreation fees municipalities receive from developers, so that funding can be more wisely used to benefit the lives of all area residents."
The bill now returns to the House for a concurrence vote.

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