Pokemon Gold Version - Kanto (Part VIII)

Our first stop is Pallet Town, so if you've been fighting the E4 and are back in Johto, you'll have to take the Magnet Train back to Kanto. If you don't have the Pass for the magnet train (given to you by the little girl in Saffron who lost her doll), you will have to surf east of Newbark Town to the Tohjo Falls area.
Talk to Professor Oak at his lab, then fly to Viridian City and exit the city from the west end.
Route 2
Just keep going west and enter the building here. Follow the corridor to the left and exit into Mt. Silver.
Mt. Silver (Outside)
Donphan (Silver)
Ursaring (Gold)
Keep going west west west, and you will eventually come across some ledges leading up to a Pokemon Center. Heal if you'd like, then go to the water southwest of the Center and surf across to the little island in the corner in the map.

*Note: In order to fully navigate this cave, you will need Pokemon that know Flash, Surf, and Waterfall. I know, I know. Pain in the ass, isn't it?
Mt. Silver (Inside)
Donphan (Silver)
Ursaring (Gold)

Mt. Silver (Chambers)
Donphan (Silver)
Ursaring (Gold)

|| Pokemon Trainer Red || ¥7700
|| Pikachu Lv.81 || Electric || 1422 exp
|| Espeon Lv.73 || Psychic || 3081 exp
|| Snorlax Lv.75 || Normal || 2475 exp
|| Venusaur Lv.77 || Grass / Poison || 3432 exp
|| Charizard Lv.77 || Fire / Flying || 3488 exp
|| Blastoise Lv.77 || Water || 3465 exp
Alright, to be honest I think I may have over-prepared a bit... this fight was very easy (except for one part where I accidentally sent Noctowl out against his Espeon instead of Heracross). I also got very lucky though, because my Ampharos' Thunder attack hit his Blastoise on the first try, and my Piloswine's Earthquake attack knocked out his Snorlax with a critical hit before it had the chance to heal with Rest. If you lose, just keep battling the E4, spend all your money on Full Restores and Revives, and eventually you'll make it through.
The credits will roll, similar to when you beat the Elite Four, and you are officially done with the game's main events! If you come back after the game re-loads, Red will not be here, but he does re-appear every time you beat the Elite Four.
We still have a few side events to take care of regarding Johto's legendary Pokemon, so I will be trying to get those taken care of as soon as possible. You will be able to find coverage of that stuff in the tag Pokemon Gold (Extras). Thanks for reading!
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