Resolution Recognizing April 25 As Arbor Day Adopted By The House

The House Wednesday unanimously adopted  House Resolution 764 recognizing April 25 as Arbor Day was adopted by the House introduced by Rep. Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin).  The text of the resolution follows--
Recognizing April 25, 2014, as "Arbor Day"; promoting public participation in the celebration; and further recognizing the value of trees to our environment.
WHEREAS, The tree has proved to be a valuable component of our environment by providing us with natural aesthetics for landscaping, a biological tool to control water and wind erosion, a renewable source of food, fuel and lumber for man, a habitat for birds and wildlife and a natural producer of oxygen and water through the process of transpiration; and
WHEREAS, The original "Arbor Day" was observed with the planting of more than a million trees; and
WHEREAS, Scientists, environmentalists, foresters and government officials throughout the world are increasingly alarmed about the significant clearing and destruction of the forests of the world and are now exploring the feasibility of large-scale reforestation programs as a means of preventing a possible adverse climate change such as global warming; and
WHEREAS, "Arbor Day" has been designated by many states as a time to recognize the importance of trees to our environment; and
WHEREAS, "Arbor Day" is now celebrated throughout the United States and in countries around the world; and
WHEREAS, The last Friday in April is commonly held to be the day to celebrate "Arbor Day"; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives hereby recognize April 25, 2014, as "Arbor Day"; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives ask that citizens and communities throughout this Commonwealth, individually and collectively, engage in the celebration of "Arbor Day" by planting trees in appropriate public places as a source of future enjoyment and civic pride; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be conveyed to the Governor and the Senate to solicit their support of this recognition.

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