Mexican-Cartel Invasion: This is NOT a Drill ...

Jeb Bush who is setting up to run for president in 2016 has claimed that immigrants coming into the United States illegally are acting our of love. Former Governor of Florida, Jeb is a living statement that America doesn't need any more of the Bush clan for president or any office in the federal government. Here is what was quoted via Townhall, pay attention to the part where he claims that crossing our border uninvited is NOT a felony, meaning that it is not against federal law.
The way I look at this is someone who comes to our country because they couldn't come legally, they come to our country because their family's dad who loves their children was worried that their children didn't have food on the table, and they wanted to make sure their family was intact. And they crossed the border because they had no other means to work to be able to provide for their family.

Yes, they broke the law, but it's not a felony. It's kind of, it's an act of love. It's an act of commitment to your family. I honestly think that's a different kind of crime that should be, there should be a price paid, but it shouldn't be -- it shouldn't rile people up that people are actually coming to this country to provide for their families.
Mr. Bush: After they break our immigration laws, pouring over the borders as if invaders, they obtain fraudulent documents in order to stay here. Is forgery of government documents not a felony also? Bush clan represent the GOP elite, who instead of fighting against voter fraud, join in and appeal to people that should not be here - who vote when they are not legal citizens. A statement like that only smells of a person who wants millions of votes from people who will get rewarded for breaking laws and not coming here to be an American. If what he says is true, then would they not want to be Americans? They have been convinced by their government, via government controlled education system, that they are not trespassers, but Americans are the trespassers on their ancestral lands.
Mimicking what Joe Biden stated, Bush has stated that they are already Americans; all of this in despite of past record of comprehensive reform policy that would promote assimilation of immigrants into American culture and traditions and insisting they learn English instead of forcing the rest of us to “Press '1' for English”.
What this means is that Bush wants those votes of illegal citizens that can fraudulently vote because they possess fraudulent identification. Thus, this makes him and his GOP elite establishment counterparts no different/better than the corrupt Democratic Party.
There is nothing wrong with ensuring that all citizens of all ethnic groups, gender, et cetera get their fair share of equal rights – but kowtowing to a group, especially one that are not legal citizens and have organizations like La Raza that are subversive, and the name of that organization means “The Race”. How can anyone in the federal government say they are protecting our national security interests, like the following video quotes Obama in a SOU speech during an interview with a member of Congress asking why eight signs along the Texan border and within the illegal immigrant route is written in English, Spanish and Chinese?
We already have at least 11.7 million undocumented aliens here.
For decades presidents and their executive have ignored immigration laws, and with the help of ineffective Congress, have pushed through legislation to “reform immigration regulations” towards amnesty, which several people, including George W. Bush denied was amnesty. One of those liars was John McCain who still holds office in Congress from a state that is literally under siege. More on that further in this post.
There are several ways a tyrant or group of tyrants take over a nation in a socialist or communist element: educate the children to think like and be loyal to the government and control the media.
Those elements are already in place, and in the case of our educational institutions, Common Core has elevated the practice of subliminal and outright government propaganda.
Now for the background to the meat of the subject: Mexican Cartel and obliging invaders …
In the book: Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars is not only about the Mexican Drug War by Sylvia Longmire, but clearly has shown the impact upon our national security and the fiber of our society, showing how this element of violence and corruption – pure evil – is spilling over the southern US border and affecting our way of life, well at least the original traditional American Dreamthat is fading in the sunset, well at least the original meaning, not the American Dream to be dependent upon government from cradle to grave. As an added source, Mexifornia: A State of a Becomingby Victor Davis Hanson, is another book thatwarns us about the inevitable because we allow our leadership to do nothing about the situation. None of this has to do with legal immigration, for those brainwashed progressives, like the Tea Party we know our history and most of us are immigrants or descendents of immigrants. It is what made this nation great, but it was with people that wanted to succeed and be an American – not form pockets of culturalism, establish subversive organizations, and insist that the nation they immigrated to is theirs. [See Chicano, Chicano Movement, Chicano nationalism, and Reconquista].

No wonder some honest good Mexican citizens are willing to spend the money, take the risk, and break our immigration laws. If our government, those that call themselves our leaders and representatives, are serious about national security and the illegal alien/invasion problem – we should be doing something about the Mexican corrupt system that allowed all of this to spill over into our nation.
The economy still sucks and now we are being invaded by the most evil organization in the world whose government remains impotent.

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