A Clear and Real Danger: National Security

Invasion, as I wrote about on April 7th, is in the process and dangerous elements are not in some foreign land or across the seas in the desert nations of that part of the world. In the 1990s there was an attack and in 2001 a major attack. 
Recently there was the Boston bomb massacre that must have took all the attention of the national media because on April 16th of last year, outside of San Jose, California there was an infrastructure attack made by a small armed squad. 
In the early hours starting about 1 AM, the attackers assaulted a substation by cutting fiber optics and then shooting generators. Investigators found no fingerprints on the spent shells or any other evidence that could lead them to the attackers. Local news covered it and at least called it an alleged terrorist attack. The United States is vulnerable because our government think it more important to spend funds on other nations and their wars, rather than protecting our homeland. Indeed, GW Bush had created the combined operation of home defense operations under the agency title of the Department of Homeland Defense– but in reality it was mostly show. Our leadership does not learn from lessons, as is clear in domestic issues or foreign issues.
Not only are we in danger of problems with communications and energy sources, specifically electricity from infiltrated teams of Islamic Jihadists, but Coronal Mass Ejections from the star we call the Sun occurs every 150 and 300 years. This natural occurrence acts like an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) and will knock out communications and electricity vulnerable to it for who knows how long. It took several months to fully recover from the San Jose attack. Unlike the global warming hoax, this is a real and present danger. The last time the Sun acted in this manner there wasn't any electricity to wipe out.
All of this is possible because our government, “Homeland Security”, allows Islamic Jihad training camps scattered across America to continue its operations.

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