Jihad in America: Enemy Within

When Barack Hussein Obamacampaigned for president in 2008, revelation was presented about his associations and mystery gaps in his life. Obama attended a church for twenty years that preached racism, proven by the words of its minister – but people paid no heed. Instead of seeing that as racism, those who pointed out those facts about the shady character of the man from Illinois whose father was Muslim from Kenya, his stepfather (mother's second husband) was Muslim – and Barack, also known as Barry Soetro, attended a Muslim school there. During the campaign of 2008, it was revealed that foreign organizations and those operating here in the United States had provided campaign contributions. Why? Because he was a Christian who was a member of a so-called Christian church in Chicago? All of this and BH Obama became president. 
The American voter paid attention to biased media reports and other means of propaganda by the Democratic Party, which has been corrupted for some time – and reelected BH Obama despite not keeping ONE promise he made in campaign 2008, except to pass the worst, intrusive draconian legislation ever passed in Congress since the Woodrow Wilson administration's 16th Amendment controversy and creating the institution called the Federal Reserve. Nixon committed less impeachable acts and resigned because the Democrats were preparing for impeachment proceedings – but Obama and his people in his administration have committed more serious transgressions, one that cost American lives in a place called Benghazi.
It is a shame that the African descendents of slaves in America who ARE Americans, who were freed by A. Lincoln (a Republican), who was forced to wage war against southern Democrats, who after the Civil War was persecuted and unequal until the 1960s (changed by conservative movement) when the Civil Rights Act was enacted, signed by President Johnson, who may have (so says MLK's son) orchestrated the death of Martin Luther King, would vote for someone with low character, socialist ideology, a Democrat who says he admires Lincoln (a Republican), but who takes the side of Islamic Jihadists (belongs to a party of progressive socialists) whose goal is to dominate the globe. Allen West is a man of character. patriot, and constitutionalist - why did they not promote and vote for him as the "First African American (so-called 'Black') President"?
Video, showing truth about BH Obama:

Mr. Gaffney has a ten-part video presentation that can be viewed HERE.
Why and How can the United States Congress and the Supreme Court put up with a president who abuses executive authority with executive orders, commits perjury, and does not abide by the oath of office - like political attacks on the Second Amendment?
The Benghazi tragedy is enough to impeach and put Hillary on trial ...

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